Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Child Poems


Hello lovely kid,
You may always lead,
May you become head,
Books more you read,

Child Abuse

Why should they not be publicly hand cuffed and paraded?
Why should they not be exposed and their tales narrated?
Is it not the shame that they lose their sense and molest the child?
Why our civil society and judiciary show some leniency and go mild?

No Tears Child

No tears child

Child should not be lost
At any cost

My Child

My child
Tuesday,3rd December 2019

I look at my future

Mother And Child

​​​​​​​Mother and child
saturday,4th May 2019

so lovely an idea

Poor Child

Why I have been sent as poor?
Why my parents need to beg door to door?
How much shame I feel while accompanying
People use abusive language and defying existence

Child Represents God

“Stop, stop” mother shouted
Child did not stop and crawled
The fire was on and quite near by
He extended hand to catch for wood and tried

Abort The Child

"Please do me favor and abort the child"
He gently approached and sought my shield
I was taken a back and looked in his eyes
But failed to understand what he intended or tried to

Child Is Fed

Profess others

You won't improve
Until disparately driven

My Lovely Child

My lovely child
Saturday, October 19,2019
7: 12 AM

Small Child

Small child

I get bored
And snore

My Only Child

Oh, my dear daughter
I really burst me into laughter
You were praising in hymns
My name was repeated by name

Orphan Child

Illiteracy was the main cause
For poverty and curse
This has been for several centuries
It has only added miseries

Parentless Child

Parentless child

It is too much to address in such manner
There may be countless children born here


She never complained about her
Always worked hard and bothered
Thought about our well being
But took little or no rest to bring her body at rest

No Child Play

Poets remain quiet
And reasonably relate
What transpires around?
And how mother earth is happily found?

Child Understands

There was no one to support
There was no elder to report
Father was businessman but not with enough of education
He was pulling life cart with strong relation

Child Face

Did you ever see joy on child's face?
When some comment is passed over his race
Cast, creed, religion or for ugly appearance
At least parents have told her that it is blessed by chance

Little Child

Little daughter came to me
With white dress and looked really fairy
“Papa, my wings seem so weak”
I watched her and in silence could not speak

The Child

The child
Sunday,27th June 2021

The child

Hello Dear Child

Hello dear child
You never mind
When you come to me
Come as fresh and free

Child Way

Child way

Early or late
But should not date

I Was Child

It brought me into tears
I remember vividly even though it is old by years
Many years before father has passed away
I had rushed from military base to home in any way

Well Known Child

Child is lost in between
Life is spent certainly not in heaven
Poor may celebrate it for his future
Raises in level and makes it sure

Child Is No More

Yes, still inside womb and died
Hopes never turned alive
It was pure case of new birth
But taken over by death

Child Again

Feel as child
And remain kind
Bear innocence
And show the presence

My Dear Child

My dear child
Be little kind
And find me still
Energetic with strong will

No Child's Game-Poetry

No child's game-Poetry
Sunday,30th May 2021

Nothing is sought

Child Plays

Flowers give message of spring
Later on downfall to bring
Life is as such for brief
Love and not hate to provide relief

Worthy Child

I knelt down to bow head
Towards sky and tried to read
The mystery of hanging starts
Without support and distance very fat

Reinvest In Child

Reinvent the child
Monday,19th November 2018

Reinvent the child

A Little Child

It is wise not to courage
Allow the children to manage
Of their own and face the reality
That is one of the best parent’s qualities

Each Child

Each child has place in garden
To come with different colors even
To become pearl of our eyes
To bring in honey like bees

For Child And

For child and

What shall gladden mom?
From where and from whom

Child Follows

Child follows

Child follows mother
He finds no other

Like Child

Where heart is pure!
The thoughts are definitely clear
Mind rests with peace
Life is certainly at east

Mother Has Child

Mother has child

Saturday, March 3,2018
8: 42 AM

With A Child

With the child
Saturday,15th June 2019

It is an anxiety

Joy On Child's Face

Joy on kid's face

It is good to be sent
In school for time to be spent

By Child

What is actually needed?
When graded
For love from mother
Or father

For Lovely Child

It is deep love
For lovely child you have
Day and night she is in mind
Desperate bid but could not find

As We Want Child

Child's sleep
We take care and keep
Free from grievance
And make her feel happy at once

Yes, My Child

Yes, My child
Saturday,28th March 2020

Yes, my child

Child Grows

Child grows

As child is feared of dark
He or she starts

Child Of Her Age

Child of her age

It turns out to be sordid
For nothing wrong you did

Always Child

We may become adult
With own views along with the cult
Still it gives no satisfaction
With lot more hidden excitation

Child Before God

Child before God

Even if you are powerless
With no aim to chase


Opposition- child
Tuesday,20th May 2019

Opposition leaders act a child

Child's Game

As I am peace lover
I can smile over
The recent happenings
Where I witnessed beautiful evening

Being Small Child

I was not afraid of being small child
As father was so gentle and mild
Mother too had full quota of affection
Everything was laughed out as my childish action

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