Chris Tiganescu Poems

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4th Of July Love

Lights, sparks, and array of colors
shower the night sky, as i lay here,
gazing up, amazed by how much
can be, in so little, someone like

Love Is Here

Anger is darkness of a mans
soul, it swallows you whole,
it consumes your life, it brings
forth pain, it brings forth misery.

From Dusk To Dawn

From dusk to dawn, i think of you,
your gleaming eyes and all you do,
the warmth of your skin, the touch of your lips,
you in my sight i cry, every time away

The Fire Inside

The fire inisde, spreads into
my eyes, i feel the power i
feel what breaks inside,
liquify my mind, break the

This Beautiful Girl

With every spoken word my
heart crys with joy, i
tremble with every touch,
those ocean eyes stare at


Tell me, tell me what is left, what
there is to look forward to. Tell me
how long forever lasts, becuase
forever is not nearly long enough to

A Mans Soul

Divide, anguish, conquer, love.

a mans soul is as complex as
the world around us, the need

The Beating Of The Sun

I feel the sun trickling down my
neck, this day's heats puts my
mind at a blank, trickling sweat,
anger, the fire that builds inside,


sparks, lips pressed
heart beating, blood
boiling, rush of a
excitment, butterflies

A Thousand Buckets

Burn your open wound, i cant feel
you here, i see nothing except
the dark bridging its gap across
my eyes, where is the light of

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