Chuy Amante Poems

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Happy Nude Year- Take It All Off

A whole new chance
for us to dance
freer! Like never before.
Drop the ego

A Screw Is A Screw Is A Screw?

so I just get this text
that he slept with her
but wasn't feeling 'it'

The Shape Of Water

Of its own,
inherently speaking,
that which
is transparent,

I Fly, I Fly, I Fly Higher And Higher~~~

I fly above
in no other sky
the smoke deters me not

This is a LOVE poem about all the poems I love, about love, poems...

All who have tasted the finest love,
speak the same language.

I Do It Cuz I'M F-In' Crazy!

I do what I do
cuz I'm F-in' crazy!

I go out when I get bored,

Yoot Sheen Waw Ein (Eashoa) Jesus! Aramaic

Yoot Sheen Waw Ein (Eashoa) Aramaic

To the American ear it sounds like
'Isho or Ishoa or Eashoa'

A New Heaven And New Earth

Many have heard of this great scripture
many believe it will happen all at once,
when God pulls the trigger...
well, He already did

Love Is Your Mission, Did You Get The Memo?

LOVE is the reason we are all here
all those hugs and even cold beer

we're here to love

The Now Train Is Here

Never before and never again
will the NOW train be here

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