Collette Y Anderson Williams

Collette Y Anderson Williams Poems

he broke me...

His hand outstretched,
as he tugged the tail
of her garb.
He gently yanked her to

Yesterday you looked in the mirror
and gazed at what you were
deceived to deem as nothing!
You had given others the stamp of approval

I saw an old friend today;
she looked as young
as she did
only yesterday.

You don't need a gun to kill somebody.
She knows.

Oh, she knows -

I sat beneath the golden sun
Which warmed my troubled frame -
On that hill looking beyond the valley
At leaves so green and rich with life.

Floods of emotions swell within me.
What is this? , I ask.
I've been here before;
But the cycle kept reminding me

A heart of stone
I've so long embraced.
My stubborn nature made me immovable,
Even with the touch

Through her smile,
her scars
you cannot see;
her wounds,

She stared into the barrel of his gun -
Just like she did,
Once upon her yesterday.
The brutal flashbacks had no mercy,

Dear Future Husband,
You are my beautiful storm,
You drive me crazy.

There's something about yesterday
I'd rather bury.
You played my heart with your words; then, so cold,
You shattered mine.

My Darling, my heart have I devoted to you - and only you
And I'd do it all over again

But you keep saying goodbye

In my lifetime
I have dreamed dreams
Visions I have etched
Legends have died

As moonlight fell upon that faithful day,
your heart subtly stole mine;
and the beautiful whirlwind
gave birth to my present fate.

My Darling,
my heart still grapples
to accept this.
And more so

Walk away.

Walk away
from where

This is me -
wide, thick lips
curly, black hair
are signatures

You wrestle with your heart,
as it plunges you
into questioning
your choices.

(Dedicated to Heather Tomlinson)

You lay there all day long
Perhaps thinking how lonely,

Collette Y Anderson Williams Biography

Collette is a chocolate and coffee lover, poet, writer, entrepreneur and introvert. She is also passionate about making a positive difference in others' lives. She loves the English language and French. She is also the proud, happy mother of two amazing sons and grandmother to three adorable children.)

The Best Poem Of Collette Y Anderson Williams

He Broke Me

he broke me...
No, I allowed him
to break me.
He knew what he was doing,
still, his cold, cruel heart
remained unmoved.

But in the face of his constant,
subtle abuses,
I am learning the art of stoicism.
I am loosening the chain -
link by link,
granting myself the free rein
to run, to exhale, to smile,
to live by my design...
No, to live by His design!

Oh, yes!
I am running free:
for he is no longer allowed
to break me.

Collette Y Anderson Williams Comments

Collette Y Anderson Williams Quotes

Today, someone wants to embrace you; someone is waiting to love you.

Oh, how quick and easily influenced we have become in relaxing our morals, values and ethics. Our subtle quests to pull down the old landmark that has nurtured us is detrimental. It is damaging - not only to us, but to our present generations and those to come. The benchmark was set in place to mold, guide and protect us - not to punish or to destroy us.

Be the heart that builds bridges - not walls.

Oh, new birth, where art thou! ? My heart awaits you. Come thou quickly, for my spirit threatens to fail me!

Being mentally enslaved is likened to being imprisoned by someone else's constant scrutiny.

Sometimes the journey is not meant for others to understand. Thus, they were never meant to take the trip with you.

You never truly know the capacity of your strength, until that very moment it is required of you.

No-one can read our thoughts, but if our words cannot be kind, then we should keep them to ourselves - this includes what we utter under our breaths.

To you, she may be nothing but a broken vessel; but that doesn't mean she's yours to fix.

A true friend is someone whose heart beats like yours.

Deception or betrayal leaves naught but a bitter taste in the mouth and a painful abyss in the soul of a man. But GOD...!

The sting of a friend is like poison to the veins.

Even in peril, there is power in your praise.

Trust your gut; don't question it: for it seldom ever lies. It sees truths beyond which you care to acknowledge. ~ Collette Y. Anderson Williams

You can't successfully start a new chapter of your life if you haven't finished the last. And although sometimes it's necessary to reflect on what has past, don't relive it; learn from it.

One of the biggest, most painful betrayals of trust is when friends and loved ones are silent about the hurts and pains they have knowledge of or have witnessed you going through. The abuse often renders the abused to lose his/her voice. If you care as much as you purport to, speak up for them. Call out the abuser. This will aid in the healing process. Let's break the cycle.

Success has an inner soul, and its greatest enemy is a distraction.

'True friendship that has been built on sound foundation is never threatened by distance.' ~ Collette Y. Anderson Williams

True friends cover you; they don't betray you. ~ Collette Y. Anderson Williams

Before you choose, consider or be certain it's worth it because life doesn't always lend itself to a redo. And not everything can be mended. ~ Collette Y. Anderson Williams

Trust is not a piece of cloth that can be easily mended. ~ Collette Y. Anderson Williams

The betrayal of a trusted friendship is a powerful lesson in forgiveness; and that storm teaches you to dance in the rain. ~ Collette Y. Anderson Williams

Every mistake made is a potential birth of wisdom.

Whether blooms or thorns, there is a lesson and a reason to give thanks.

Every mistake made is a potential birth of wisdom.

Be patient. Time has a way of revealing ugly truths and beautiful lies.

We despise what we don't understand. Choose to understand.

It is through adversity that the eyes are opened. Only then will you recognise the worth others see in you.

Those who truly love and care about you will not keep you in the shadows. Instead, they'll place you in the light and be your cheerleader.

True love never seeks to nor wants to run away from you. It chases you.

Darling, your standards will always be too high for some people, but don't you dare stoop to theirs.

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