Curtis Baskerville

Curtis Baskerville Poems

Please forgive me for not being the perfect man;
but yet accept the fact that I am doing everything I can.
Forgive me for not always following through with things I promise you.

Life without you would mean sudden death;
like a sharp dagger through my flesh.
I do not bleed the blood from my veins,
yet I bleed my soul; the one thing that you crave.

Losing you would feel like a blow to my wind pipe….I would be breathless.

I would be in bed all cold and alone….so restless.

Love has no bounds; boxing match with uncertain rounds.
Love can flow through rivers and streams or glide through the sky like a kite as far as the eye can see.

I took glances at her daily; try to speak to her but my words would fail me.
I would walk away in disgust, but to try again…. I must.
She doesn’t even know I matter, let alone know my crush.
I crave for her touch, to feel her close so much.

I’m addicted to you; I’m addicted to everything you do.
You’re my first choice of drug, I can’t get enough.

The first kiss was like a perfect wish
Lip to lip and hand on your hip, I slowly lay upon the first kiss.
Chills course through my body like taking a double shot of Bacardi.

Hold yourself close to me,
hold your arms out and let yourself be free.
Feel the breeze through your hair,
and the warmness of my breath as I stand so near.

Curtis Baskerville Biography

My name is Curtis but you can call me curt, I am 18 yrs. old with two beautiful kids name, Mia and Jaz' Aiyra. I will be graduating school in June in two months, but i started writing poetry in 8th and ever since then i love it and i became better, well i will be posting some first chance i get so you can read some.)

The Best Poem Of Curtis Baskerville

' Please Forgive Me '

Please forgive me for not being the perfect man;
but yet accept the fact that I am doing everything I can.
Forgive me for not always following through with things I promise you.

Please forgive the fact that I am a human being and I do make mistakes; but know that I am always willing to make them up and do whatever it takes.
Forgive me for all the times I crush and broke your heart; but know I truly appreciate you not walking away and leaving us to be apart.

Please forgive me for letting my anger over power the love I have for you; but believe me when I say none of the hurtful words I said can ever be true.
Forgive me for putting doubt about us into your heart and mind; we are in love and I should always find a way to make it shine.

Please forgive me for the harassment and childish things you have endured because of me; but I am thankful for you sticking right beside me.
Forgive me for allowing stress in my life triumph over how I feel about you; but know that what I feel is so powerful for you.

Please forgive me my love for things I wish I could take back so dearly; know that I will always love you; I hope you can believe me.

Curtis Baskerville Comments

Emily 08 January 2019

I like your poems.Curtis baskerville

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