Damian Cranney

Damian Cranney Poems

There is no peace to equal that, of fishing by a Lake,
Or a stream, or river broad, or pond within a wood,
If worries you would cast away, take a fishing break,
Nature, is the balm that Soothes, the restless soul for good.

I would like to find God, the enquiring mind said,
But I don’t really want to have to wait till I’m dead,
And when I say find him, I do not mean in spirit,
If he really exists, I would like to pay him a visit.

I look upon the dark of night, and go to bed content,
Knowing that, tomorrow l will eat and be replete,
But I know, as you well do, the same cannot be said,
For brothers who will wake unfed, no food to eat,

The lungs of earth, are being attacked,
If we want to keep breathing its now we should act,
If not for the sake of our own peace of mind,
Then for our children‘s children and all of mankind.

That winsome Look upon her face,
Her coy manner when in love's embrace,
The memories of a knowing smile,
That linger and haunt me for a while.

He rode into town, with an easy grace,
Riding his horse, at a leisurely pace,
He didn't slow down, he didn't look round
the street was deserted, and he heard not a sound.

I have walked through Fields of doubt,
I have driven across arid plains,
I have swum the rivers of life,
And still, hope eternal, remains.

I want to be shaded, from the weathers blight,
Protected from The wind and lightning’s flight,
I want to be, lodged and screened from the sea,
Blanketed by an azure sky, within the Valley’s lea,

As if in a dream I hovered in flight,
The feeling was natural and a total delight,
I flew over fields, both fallow and green,
The cotton wool clouds, were part of the scene.

I walked along a pebbled beach,
and gazed far out to the oceans reach,
Surrounded by the sounds of surf,
And soaring seagulls squawking,

Do not let those who are jealous or mean,
Make you unhappy by creating a scene,
Just because they have a bad disposition,
Shouldn't make you their natural opposition.

Let explorers go where they will,
l have discovered my paradise in thee,
New worlds do not me, with interest fill
For you have set my roaming spirit free,


She sat across the room in deep concentration,
Watching Tv with avid fascination
She is as desirable now as the day we first met,
We've had our differences, but never had regret.

There once was a vampire quite fat,
Who was partial to fricassee of rat?
He liked to drink blood, but rat he did favour,
It really was quite peculiar behaviour.

Friendship is like a light in the night,
A reliable beacon, when your way is unsure,
You know that a greeting, awaits you on sight,
When you walk up and knock, on that welcoming door,


Becky, my Becky our Becky
She's lovely in spite of herself
She'd frighten a big hairy yet ti,
Yet charm you right off from your shelf.

Let me not be first in anger,
Cool and calm shall be the rule,
He who loses self control's in danger,
Of being made to look a likely fool.


Family, family, why on earth do we have one
They make you feel wanted but also quite put upon,
We wouldn't be here, if they'd not been there,
But if they weren't there, with whom would you share?

In seasons past the fustian class
That is those who toiled and broiled.
Would always bear truth,
To the faults of their youth,

There was a young Cestrian youth
Who found difficulty telling the truth,
It happened so often, his friends had forgotten.
To give credence to anything he said

The Best Poem Of Damian Cranney

Go Fishing

There is no peace to equal that, of fishing by a Lake,
Or a stream, or river broad, or pond within a wood,
If worries you would cast away, take a fishing break,
Nature, is the balm that Soothes, the restless soul for good.

I remember, one idyllic, sunny day in spring,
Rising early, well before, dawns tentative groping light,
Arriving at the lake to hear, a far off robin, sing,
A ripple from a rising fish, all added to the sight,

To angle for your supper, is reward enough, it's true,
But that day, was a record day, eleven trout all told,
It fed the family well, perhaps a week or two,
But memories of that treasured day, is what inside, we hold.

However if excitement is what you're craving for,
Fishing in a little boat, upon a rolling sea,
Buffeted by waves and wind, not too far from the shore,
Satisfies the need inside and makes our souls run free.

Fighting fish and nature, whatever form, you choose,
Fresh water or the salty brine, the outcome is the same,
Catching cod and mackerel, you later have for tea,
Is wonderful, I promise you, and part of life's rich game.

Damian Cranney Comments

Su 16 February 2021

Hello, I like one of your poems very much. Can I translate it into Chinese and share it on the Internet? I will indicate the source

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Damian Cranney 31 May 2022

I I apologise for not having replied to you sooner I lost my account for very recently received it the answer is yes of course you can use one of my phone as long as I get sourced

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Summer 18 February 2018

I love all the poems

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