Daniel Mentor

Daniel Mentor Poems

They stooped sullen
Their friends eloped sudden
Grave makers in the woods
Meowing and hooting to the hoods

If our imagination be the real world
We've got nothing to worry
A world of our own creation
It's the world I'd prefer

I grieve for my country, I grieve
Our eyes have seen our ears
We have eaten of our own dung
Is this curse or blindness?

Nature's pedant, friendly foe
Time's tide - must you
In winter wind the earth
Dampen the fields and frighten the creatures

Carefree as I ate
Regardless of tomorrow
My stomach seemed filled
But the taste magnet

I can feel the hollow
The emptiness in the corner where you heap
At the mercy of your reckless shadow
The substance of a true legend yet to be

Thither and thither we ran
Hoping to find refuge
The worst, the chief of fears
Hunger, pain and sickness our company

Here comes the sun rising from the east
'tis a bright colorful morning
Mother earth beneath smiles with ease
Lilies and purple hibiscuses

Oh! heavens above I look to you
Behold your wonder
Aren't you the cradle and the grave of beauty?
And as you spread your glorious hands

I am surrounded by darkness
Empty Hopeless darkness
Everything I think is mocked by everything I do
All day, emptiness and guilt boo

Great forerunners! I seek the voice of nightingale
Your eulogy jingles in the bell
It reminds of the bond, of sacrifice, love and family
It rings of those etiquette you cherish as lily

One fate to all
A dutiful servant
A shrewd merchant
All end in a thankless sheol

He stoop in a lonely field
Of great riches and wealth
Corn, Vine, Fiber costly and adorable
All are his; his sweat and struggle

Daniel Mentor Biography

Ogbonna Osita Daniel writes under the pen name, Daniel Mentor. He was born on 29th September 1995. He hails from Ishiagu in Ivo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State Nigeria. Jack of all trades and master of most. Daniel Mentor is the founder of Future Eclipse Media - a business management and advertising agency based in Abuja Nigeria. Daniel Mentor started his restaurant, Shopwell Restaurants in April 2024. He began humbly from cooking half module of rice, afang soup and peppered meats to running a full blown food business than now delivers across the city of Abuja and it's environs. Including office and home delivery/services. He has also written several books of literature and screenplays for movies. A Writer, Film Maker, Digital Marketing Specialist, Business Consultant, Chef and Radio/TV presenter. Sum it up to say he is a very talented, multiple skilled person. In one of the few interviews he has granted, He confessed to enjoying film making more than anything. His literary works span from Drama to Prose and Poetry. However, as of January 2023, he remained an unpublished author. Though his works have featured on a book reviewing radio program. While his poems have been cited in some schools and on social media. As of January 2023, he was still single.)

The Best Poem Of Daniel Mentor

Grave Makers

They stooped sullen
Their friends eloped sudden
Grave makers in the woods
Meowing and hooting to the hoods
Now sleep sleep my little child
Dare not think to chide
Those you knew are lost
Look out! 'tis a ghost

The moon is full and thrills
The night gusty and kills
Many a kid who wonders the lane
Like your friend who met his bane
Sleep sleep my little child
Dare not open that treacherous eyes
To your doom beyond the yard
Grave makers in their pack.

Daniel Mentor Comments

Daniel Mentor Quotes

We write to relieve the mind of burdens and read to master them. This is man's greatest discovery.

Patience is a virtue that humanity must deliberately cultivate.

You'd never understand the importance of courage until your thoughts begins to mock your actions

You'd never understand the importance of courage until your thoughts begins to mock your actions -Daniel Mentor

If I've met a million people, I have once or twice become a single one of them. -Daniel Mentor

Listening is the beginning of understanding, so listen and learn while you can. -Daniel Mentor

Never interrupt any creative imagination. It could give birth to wonders. -Daniel mentor

If you ever lay your hands on a gun, shoot as if you mean to kill everything. But kill only what you mean to shoot. -Daniel Mentor

We must learn to be accountable to those we represent; even to the supernatural - Daniel Mentor

In Africa, manhood starts when your parents won't let you take food from the pot by yourself and ends when you don't take food by yourself -Daniel Mentor

Man is a rebellious animal; even a predator to himself -Daniel Mentor

He who thinks it is impossible for you to rise again when you fall, is simply a devil - Daniel Mentor

For those of you looking for signs and wonders; just look at the skies. When the cloud gathers, it is a sign. And when it rains it is a wonder. -Daniel Mentor

Cheap things are not really cheap -Daniel Mentor

I desire to do good, not for fear of hell but of shaming Providence -Daniel Mentor

A people without a responsible government is a community of anarchy. - Daniel Mentor

Death is no longer more than a chance to escape. -Daniel Mentor

If you want to give me the best gift, just bring pen and paper. -Daniel Mentor

Any government guilty of plagiarism has no clue about leadership. They are likely to fail the masses. -Daniel Mentor

I became the master of my challenges the day I discovered I could use pen and paper. -Daniel Mentor

Always remember to observe the morning sun. It's like the relentless ant. Or a king taking charge of his dom. Think on this... you are like the sun. Nature needs you. Take charge! -Daniel Mentor

Success is a bag of failures that wasn't trashed. -Daniel Mentor

If three people are mad; one is an artist, the second, a writer. The third, is just traditionally mad. -Daniel Mentor

Excellence does not lack spots. It is a height measured by relentless efforts. -Daniel Mentor

Life does not present chance without challenges. Do not despair. It is only an opportunity to reach your true potentials. -DANIEL MENTOR

Religion and ethnicity can cripple the greatest nations. Take them out of politics and the nation would blossom like daffodils.

You know the taste of feces from the odor of farts... do not wait till you swallow it.

This beauty shan't I glory before it wanes?

Technology has come to classify us - the progressives and the bystanders. If you don't grow with it, you will become the chess and the progressives will play you hard. AI will be their weapon.

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