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Longing For Her

You are everywhere
No matter where I go
No matter how far away I travel
No matter how many people I see on my journey

Walking Away

Walking away is not as hard as staying
It’s like praying
Conveying meaning when nobody else will hear
Or be near

Until That Good Day

Day after day finds me one day older
In deeper, in progress, in motion, in regions colder
Doing the best I can in a world of my making
Yet thinking back to our love’s undertaking

If I Told You

If I told you
That I never thought about you
I would be lying
I only think about you

A Heartbeat Ago

A heartbeat ago
We were letting go
On a night soft and low
We simply walked away

The Journey

The first step is the toughest
When your heart isn’t in it
When the path looks the roughest
When you believe you should quit

Better Or Wonder

I’m doing better without you
Getting up in the morning
I write the words that disturb
What still slumbers impatiently underneath

To Have What I Want

I know what I want, and I know what it means
But what I want is really irrelevant, I suppose
To have what I want means life apart at the seams
Cutting off my face to spite my nose

Familiar Places

Familiar places seem foreign now
After several times back in this place
I walk down the streets that were familiar
But they were familiar because of you

Lay It Down

For too long it tortured me
You see
The guilty
Is free

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