David Wood Poems

Hit Title Date Added
In Memory Of Clara

My yellow daffodil opened,
Blossomed in the sun,
Shone brightly in the light
Of many a long sweet day.


In the pre-dawn darkness the herdsman awoke.
On the trees outside woodpigeons and magpies
Fluffed up their feathers and crows shifted on their perch.
The shower was hot and steam filled the bathroom

Senryu: Love's Touch

Love can touch you once,
Even by a soft sweet smile,
And last forever.

Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves begin to gently fall
As summer just fades away
And blackberries from the hedgerow
Make a feast at the end of summer ball.

From Here To Eternity

We have all taken billions of years
To reach this point in time to live. Where
Were we all even a hundred years ago?

Visiting The Cemetery

Visiting my late wife Tina's grave
Along a slow winding bay road
Was full of bumper to bumper traffic.
Only the view of the bay made it

Life's Flawed Mirror

We seem to be living in a flawed
World, of conditioned existence,
Of tackling gritty here-and-now
Problems of work or life problems,

Arms Or Alms?

Isolation, whether personal, corporate
Or national is never a good thing.
It's nice to see countries join forces
To tackle problems like climate change.

Nature Is A Very Lonely Place

It was a joy to see six cormorants return
To the lake this morning along with a stork.
They had been absent for many months
As the fishermen scare them away.

A New Dawn

Dawn is that refreshing start
After a night of rest and sleep.

Dawn is that gentle beginning

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