They want another war
(As if there aren't enough already)
'Ships capable of mining harbours
Are heading for the Persian Gulf, to be there
One day we will stand
Having run, and striven and fought
We've seen all that we planned
Quickly come to nought
Falling In Love
Is very Hell
That's my considered opinion
The world is not enough
But it's plenty, for most people
Over much, some would say
They are a thin, clever hard people
Schlangen verstecken sich dort
Bomben regnen von oben
Kinder sterben dort
Die Schmerz kommt vom Himmel
Se desiderio
Qualcosa nuova, bella, intrigante
La domanda e'
he gives her longing looks
from underneath long lashes
he is so pretty - almost like a girl
she likes girls a lot
Comedy, tragedy, farce
That's what it comes to at last
We're giv'n the power to create
We mete out our characters' fate
'Faith manages' Delenn and Lennier Babylon 5 Fear Is the the Mind-Killer(Dune) . Listen to the tide slowly turning Wash all our heartaches away We're part of the fire that is burning And from the ashes we can build another day Moody Blues 'The Story In Your Eyes' 'True ease in writing comes from art, not chance As those move easiest, who have learned to dance' Alexander Pope, An Essay in Criticism,1711 About me: 'I'm not as good as ever, I'm better than ever.' - Heinz-Harald Frentzen)
War Signals
They want another war
(As if there aren't enough already)
'Ships capable of mining harbours
Are heading for the Persian Gulf, to be there
by October l'
We all know
What's coming
Coming slow
But coming, running
To kill and kill
and kill some more
The devil dances for joy
For good or ill
They call it good
We know they think
it's what they need
It's what they would
But we would not.