delgraco fortune

delgraco fortune Poems

I envisioned a city, A lovely place,
paved with streets of gold,
A heavenly country, prepared by God
An eternal rest for our souls,

I bow my head in prayer
To our Father in Heaven above
That all find our Way to you
Which is the Way to Love

God looked upon the Heavens and all its glory
All the works His own hands had done
How the cosmic skies shown, the stars splendor
The great lights of the moon and the sun

Holy Father, True and living art Thee
I hallow Thy name above all in the earth and all in the heavenly,
You are the generator of space beyond astrology and astronomy,
You are the source of energy for energy,

I did not comprehend, accept, nor understand
The trials and tribulations in my life
Though i sought joy and happiness, peace and love
I would see only hatred and strife

Free to Love

I am free in Christ Jesus, thine Spirit dwells in me
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there's also liberty

The Best Poem Of delgraco fortune

City Of Love

I envisioned a city, A lovely place,
paved with streets of gold,
A heavenly country, prepared by God
An eternal rest for our souls,
A City of Love, having abundant smiles,
Thus pain no longer exist,
warm welcomes from elders, upon entering the gates;
As were greated by Gods Holy Kiss,
Unfamiliar faces seem so familiar,
as the last make perfect the first;
Banquet table set beautifully; in perfect peace
No longer must we hunger and thirst,
Faithful Children of God, both past and present,
all gathered together in the One
A celebration of salvation for all generations,
Hallelujah...faithful servant,

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Die Daily Life Eternal LOVE EVERLASTING

No time for meaningless, senseless chatter. Our words should be seasoned with Love, in Love, for only Love matters

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