Love Calling Poem by delgraco fortune

Love Calling

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I did not comprehend, accept, nor understand
The trials and tribulations in my life
Though i sought joy and happiness, peace and love
I would see only hatred and strife
A recurring nightmare, seeming
to never end
Of a life steadily spiraling falling
Then I heard His voice calling
say "Awake you sleeper, hear today
For is this Love calling"
A call that was present but unheard
for quite some time
As my hearing being insensitive and dull
Disconnected from peace, puffed up with pride
True knowledge had truly become null

Absorbed by pain,
consumed with guilt
Hoping life would either end or get better
As Love began to speak directly into my heart
Through the Gospels and Pauline letters
As i began speaking to my Lord
directly from my heart
crying " speak to me Lord, please speak"
As then my Lord spoke back to me
Calling me to purification and sanctification
Things i had no knowledge of,
Even eternal salvation by His Holy manistification
Resulting in the revelation of Christ in Love
I then began to speak to my Lord
straight from my heart
crying "speak to me Lord, please speak"
As my Lord spoke to me saying
"Seek my face"
‘Your face Lord i will now seek'
Soon my heart became emptied, yearning
to for filled
Desiring a fire deep inside
As fountain of Love began to fill my up
As my mind became Christ...crucified
The Kingdom of our God is now at hand
No time for meaningless, senseless chatter
Our words should be serious, seasoned with Love
In Love, For only Love matters
Theses are the last generations of the last times
As night steadily darkens our days
Yet even the blackest darkness light reveals all
Let us all consider our ways
Let us all stand fast, and not lose heart
As we rise each time we fall
Let us all understand God's perfect plan
Of Love filleth all in all
The day is drawing near, the day is at hand
No time for hesitation or stalling
Let us be swift to bear one another in burdens
(fulfill the law)As Love is now Calling

Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: christianity,god,love
Love called me
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