Created To Love Poem by delgraco fortune

Created To Love

Rating: 5.0

God looked upon the Heavens and all its glory
All the works His own hands had done
How the cosmic skies shown, the stars splendor
The great lights of the moon and the sun

How the seas abounded, the rivers sounded
The tall trees and mighty mountains stood
The beast of the fields, the birds of the air,
The creepy things, God saw that all was good

Still the finishing touch, Gods masterpieces
were the only works remained left to do
Just to know at that time. In His Divine mind
His thoughts were of me and You

"Let us make man in our very own image'
to rule over all things in the earth"
Thus the Lord came down, formed man from the ground
breathing Love into man creating birth

For God then looking upon the spirit of man
"It is not good that man should be alone, '
'I will make him a helper, comparable to him"
Thus Love making the one twice as strong

The world lacks knowledge, would lead us to believe
That we've been exiled from Love because of sin
Yet truly the Christ is risen, thus reversing the fall
Behold, The Kingdom is now hidden deep within

The world lacks understanding, leading us to believe
That Love is merly a myth or estranged
Mans circumstances may predict mans actions
But God is Love and God does not change

Oh! How we must follow His Way to to return
To the Garden of His Glory and perfection
Where Love overflows, hate and sin exist not
Only an abundance of compassionate affections

For God is Love, Love neither fears nor fails
Let us all giveth perfect Love its chamce
My heart has become set, i shall not be moved
For His Love i now save my last dance

Only knowing this truth, that man was created
In His own image, nature, and likeness of
So i am what i am, this i cant deny
With Love ive been created to Love

Monday, July 15, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: god,love,spirituality
Chinedu Dike 15 July 2019

Writing for the glorification and edification of The Lord Almighty is the hallmark of ingenuity. A fine and lofty poem written in verse with rhythmic splendour. Thanks for sharing, Delgraco.

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