Denis Martindale Poems

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Here We Go Again!

Another leader offers hope, another chance to thrive,
With promises to help us cope and even to survive.
With every kind of noble scheme the people want to hear,
As if we're living in a dream, that we're all meant to cheer.

Trust Jesus And His Amazing Grace!

When crisis comes and lingers, too, we sometimes pause to pray,
What should I do? What should I do? Yet what has God to say?
The Holy Bible's close at hand with answers on each page,
With answers we can understand beyond our fear or rage.

Ambassadors Of Christ

When billions were still grieving Her Majesty had died,
How many have stayed believing in Jesus crucified?
How many lost souls will get saved through scenes upon TV,
Because Her faith has gently paved the walk to Calvary?

Positive Mental Gratitude!

Please keep the big picture in mind and God's eternal plan,
Forgiveness meant for all Mankind bought by the Son of Man.
Faithful Christians will wear a crown because their sins got waived,
Renounce the doubts that drag you down as if you were not saved.

The Mutual Admiration Society!

Do I like you? My word, I do.
I'm sure that you like me.

But not as much as I like you,

Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!

God abides in our songs of praise, in the Psalms recited still,
The healing word, and every phrase according to His will.
Praise God for Jesus Christ and every saint baptised.
Praise God, you saints of old, your faith proves good as gold.

Scummy Scammers!

To get a phone call seems quite nice, a relative or friend?
Yet my blood will soon turn to ice, with scammers on the end.
Their tricks are far too much to bear, yet they don't count the cost,
Perhaps a place in Hell they'll share as soon as life gets lost.

Poetry And The Bliss In This

Is there a poem or a song that nestles in your heart
That blesses you the whole day long as truly wondrous art?
Is there a melody or rhyme, a lullaby you heard,
Or just one phrase that sounds sublime, or aptly-chosen word?

Go On, Give Us A Smile!

According to the latest news, a blackout's on its way,
Yet not based on a damaged fuse, I had four in one day!

No, this will be a sudden halt, when services close down,

Damned Politics!

The UK's in a right old mess, finances up the creek!
No future sign of happiness, in fact, the future's bleak!

If people vote and get it wrong, I say, good luck with that,

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