Dipankar Sadhukhan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
087. After Sixteen Years

Few days ago at a lonely night
I was busy in composing verse.
Suddenly my cell rang.
When I took it, ringing stopped.

আমাদের সম্পর্ক (Our Relationship)

স্বপ্ন নয়, মায়া নয়, ভ্রম নয় -
এ এক হৃদয়ের মহান অনুভূতি
তোমার সাথে কথা বলা
শব্দহীন শব্দে দিন ও রাতে।

063. Rhythm Of Life

At present I am so tired -
I am absolutely exhausted.
A long way of life I walked.
Many critical moments I faced

072. Your Alluring Beauty And Divine Love

My senses are benumbed
And cells are drowsy
As they are over drunk
With the fragrance of your Love

084. My Beloved Mother

O my beloved mother, my life!
I ask you humbly and eagerly
Whether I'm your little child -
Your 'little Dip' even today.

085. Universe Of Our Love

Just before the sun setting
Standing on the meadow
When I look at the vast sky,
I feel - the universe is enormous

Poem No: 13. Our Love Is Romantic Like The Moonlight,

Our Love is romantic like the moonlight,
And gorgeous and bright like full moon night.
Our Love is as lofty as the mountain,
And pure like the water of a fountain.

254. My Dear Daddy!

O my dearest Daddy!
I have just reached eighteen.
Today I am a mature girl.
I searched you day after day,

173. My Own World

My world is full of joy and happiness
As I've made it with my love and tenderness.
I have adorned this with truth and beauty.
No power can destroy my world and me.

183. My Pregnant Thought

Just to emblem my passion
My thought becomes pregnant
And gives birth to holy love
In my tender heart.

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