Douglas Williams

Douglas Williams Poems

Watching the face of the clock,
the hands moving ever so slowly.
With a tick and a tock,
the time changes so clearly.

Lonely and depressed,
feeling down and out.
Always being stressed,
with no release about.

Each day is but a chapter,
in the book that we live everyday.
The next page is unwritten,
waiting for the midnight closing.

A pebble in the pond,
rippling to the center.
Falling quickly to the floor,
the light fading behind.

Sitting in tranquility,
watching the sun rise over the horizon.
Casting my superiority by the wayside,
hoping to catch my share of pride.

Majestically standing before you today,
They are King and Queen of this mid-April day.
A union of their bodies, minds and spirits.
A bond so strong - nothing can tear it.

Staring out my car window,
mesmerized by the intense rain.
Daydreams of love and romance,
fill my already aching head.

As I watch you sleep this eve,
I see your body move in rhythm.
I hear you exhale as you breathe,
the light fluctuations within.

Into the deep blue sky,
so beautiful and peaceful.
White, rollin' clouds try,
to cover and seem almost nocturnal.

Walking through the garden,
taking in the scents.
Pondering where I've been,
and what my life so far has meant.

When you speak my name,
my heart beats faster.
When you look into my eyes,
they sparkle and glow.

Why cherish our love,
one day of the year only?
A date in memory,
lost to life's thrill.

Look at that ivory dress!
I don't think anything can compare.
I'll be the first to confess,
I've never seen a woman so beautiful and fair.

One cold day of winter,
Cupid smiled upon me.
He watched my life,
And just knew of my perfect match.

Fans cheer feverishly,
even into the dark cold nights.
Unweathered by the action below,
they cheer until the end.

If love is blind,
then I shall never see.
If love is to forever bind,
then I shall never be free.

Grey skies grumbled,
lightning whipped in delight.
Tortured souls whispered,
piercing his virgin ears.

Her eyes glow like a burning candle,
as I walk in the room.

She smiles - grinning from ear to ear,

Like a rose,
she held herself majestically.
Each part of her,
being like a petal.

A mother's instinct,
a father's protection.
A love so distinct,
the fire behind our passion.

The Best Poem Of Douglas Williams

Has Time Stopped?

Watching the face of the clock,
the hands moving ever so slowly.
With a tick and a tock,
the time changes so clearly.

I look deep inside my soul,
and see things that don't look right.
And watch as my life rolls,
and hope my problems come to light.

For as long as I have known,
I've been so quiet and shy.
In the last few years I've been shown,
I'd been living with time just flying by.

Enjoying the beautiful things in life,
is something I now work towards.
Decreasing the amount of strife,
being part of the greatest rewards.

Time scampers by no more,
as I love all we have here.
Either walking on the shore,
or conquering my deepest fears.

Never to be in a depression,
and keep a positive outlook.
Always making a good impression,
looking past the covers of every book.

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