Dr John Celes Poems

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Sonnet: Just Accept God

If God is trying to make pure my soul
Through troubles fresh that crop up every day,
Why should I not with grace accept His role,
And meet the challenges that come my way?

Sonnet: The Pearl

Oh, how I wished I loved an orphan- girl!
A girl who knew not what was meant by love;
One who would be my life’s most precious pearl!
And glitter forth her joy all life to prove.

Sonnet: The Desert-Snake In A Rat-Hole!

The Desert-snake was cornered in a hole,
And flushed out ’live, without a single scratch;
A prisoner now with once a kingly role;
To Eagles’ eyes, he’as finally no match.

Sonnet: Good-Bye, Alma-Mater!

The day has come for us to say, ‘Good-bye’,
To teachers, friends and campus-life, we led:
The memories ev’r-green can never die,
But stay with us until we are all dead!

Submission To God

This body doesn’t belong to me;
The life within isn’t either mine;
Both born were from Your love divine;
I have no right o’er them truly!

Sonnet: On Obedience

If you had been so good that you
Obeyed your parent’s wishes, then,
Be glad you did as Christ did do,
And walked upon road to heaven.

Sonnet: Care Of The Elderly

God, bless the souls who care for elderly!
Oh, what a lovely service they perform!
And wretched be those thinking cleverly,
Escaping duties, keeping them not warm.

Sonnet: 58th Indian Independence-Day

’Tis fifty-eight years since India turned afree!
Our homage to all freedom-fighters great;
The blood of martyrs won freedom ably;
‘Satyagraha’, ‘Ahimsa’ set the date.

Sonnet: My Alto Car

My Alto looks superb and majestic,
From Maruti Udyog- ‘The talk of town! ”
With color, silky silver metallic;
My dignity will escalate on own.

Sonnet: Jesus, The Grape-Vine

“I am the Vine: You be its branch always.”
Jesus is succor and our nourishment;
Allow the sap to flow to bless your days;
There will be no defeat or punishment.

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