Dr John Celes Poems

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Sonnet: When Needs Arise In Life …

If man is put in undue stress and strain,
And need for wealth and name and fame arise,
From heaven comes down grace of God like rain:
By perseverance, toil, he can surprise.

What's In Your Name?

Oh, what a lovely name, so dear,
Your parents gave to you!
It sounds so nice to every ear,
And matches things you do.

Fathers’ Day,2008

The Fathers’ Day goes well forgot;
The Mothers’ Day is soon forgot;
A mother is a need in life;
A father is a must in strife!

Mothers’ Day ‘08

North or south; east or west;
A mother’s love is always best!
Throughout its childhood, cleaned and dressed,
A mother gives baby, good rest.

Happy Mother’s Day,2008

I’m glad to have a mother good,
Who nursed me well and gave good food;
Who taught me how to read and write,
And sang a lullaby each night.

Dreams Of The Modern Youth

The dreams that children have these days
Are weird and rather unusual;
Their dreams could change the human race –
Tho’ virtual and so unreal!

A Phenomenal Man

Most handsome men do wonder where my secret lies!
I’m not so dashing – framed like model men;
When I reveal to them the truth,
They think I am dishonest.

Vanamika – ‘the Lily Of The Forest’

A pregnant Christian mother
Ran for the forest’s shelter
To save two lives!

To My Spouse Valentine

God saw your heart and made me yours;
God knew my heart and made you mine;
God made us two, spouses forev’r;
God wants us to be happy ever.

Valentine’s Day (An Acrostic)

Victory to all hearts at love;
Amazing words of love exchange;
Love fills the air everywhere;
E-mails sent in lovely hues and tones of love;

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