Dr John Celes Poems

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Sonnet: John Keats

It was a pretty Flow’r in full blossom!
One that had grown, despite many travails;
When like a bolt, it broke to meet its doom;
Consumed in youthful years by cruel gales.

The Child In The Womb…

The child in the womb longs
To leave the darkness ’round,
And see the light of the world,
Created by God.

Bible In Poetry: Gospel Of St. Matthew (Chapter 7)

‘Don’t judge others for judged you too shall be;
For, as you do to others, so you’ll be;
The measure you use others, to measure,
Will then be applied to you one day, sure.’

Sonnet: The Secret Of Success

Oh, shed your inhibitions; do something!
However long, one’s span of life is short;
Our little problems should not despair bring,
Nor steal the liveliness of our dear heart.

Sonnet- On Compassion

In Life, Compassion is what people want,
But seldom do they like with men to share;
Their hearts grow thick-skinned akin Elephant;
To render kindness to others, don't care.

Sonnet- Take Risks In Life

When Dame Luck smiles and you don't welcome her,
And little risks in Life, you fail to take;
When chances come, you fail to much bother;
To higher rungs in Life, you can't then make.

Sonnet: On Modern Wars

Oh, modern warfare is ruthlessly fought,
With men buried alive in trenches deep;
And blown to smithereens, in crossfire caught,
While kith and kin, wives, mothers, loved ones weep!

Sonnet: Be Optimistic

Give me some wood and I will make a boat;
Give me more wood and I will build a ship;
Give me the cloth and I will stitch a coat;
Give me the years and I will make friendship.

Tata Nano – The Car For All!

A car quite big and yet so small!
A car that’s meant for people all;
More than a two-wheeler in cost,
The Tata Nano is quite fast.

Sonnet: ‘get Well Soon! ’ Brother-In-Law

You are in bed for heart ailment, right now;
You will be better when the morrow dawns;
God’s blessings are upon you and His love;
You will see many more wonderful morns!

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