Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Birthday Wishes To A Beloved Big Brother

My loving elder brother,
Born of good father, mother,
Has now turned one year older –
That should not make him bother.

‘tetelestai’ – Good Friday

Christ did all things per prophecy;
God’s Son obeyed His Father’s words;
He knew his death was on the cross;
He set upon the task with faith.

Sonnet: Honesty’s The Best Policy

I want to live an honest life on earth;
I tried my best but uphill seemed the task;
A truthful life was habit since my birth;
But under dishonesty’s sun, most bask!

Sonnet: On Becoming A Teacher

Your student-years have almost ended, dear;
A phase anew, you've entered in your life;
A teacher has to learn and teach sans fear;
Professional love must triumph over strife.

United Nations Day,2017

The only planet where man lives - the Earth
Is turning hostile, day by day for all;
Unsafe and insecure for every birth,
'Tis time all nations joined to stop this fall.

Sonnet: Life’s A Mix

The sky is blue with fluffy clouds and clear;
It rained all cats and dogs till yesterday;
Bird-melodies on nearby trees, I hear;
How long it will thus stay, no one can say.

Sonnet- Nature Is Wonderful

A Banyan sapling's growing on the wall;
From near the drainage-pipe, luxuriantly;
Astonishing the people near-by all;
Its trunk looks almost like a mini-tree.

Sonnet- What Use Hath Excess Money?

O spare me Lord from money in excess,
And let me never love it more than life;
It clothes my body with a pretty dress,
But puts my soul in never-ending strife.

Sonnet: The Cemetery

My father's blood is coursing through my veins;
His virtuous life goads me do greater things;
His condescension in my heart too reigns;
I want to join his band of great earthlings.

Sonnet: Help Me, Lord

Am I wasting God, my time in this place?
Am I missing a chance to serve Thee Lord?
Am I keeping still a weird, mask-like face?
Help me, O God to act as per Thy code.

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