Dr. Antony Theodore Poems

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The Loving Cat And The Fried Fish

The cat and the fried fish

My mother cooks well.
She fried fish with different spices.

Mystified Presence

I walked down to the rivulet
near the wild flowers
in our little village.

Ego And Love Cannot Be In Harmony

Ego does not know the unknown
and unknowable.
Ego does not know the transcendent.

Your Tear Fell On A Rainbow.

From the azure blue skies
I saw a tear falling down.

It fell on a rainbow.

I Bear My Nakedness To The World

I bear my nakedness to the world

We are one step closer to mental peace
once we learn to accept our limitations.

Now Near Your Grave, I Stand

Your love gave me warmth
It made me feel like being me.
Your love gave me power.

The Inner Cave In Me.

There is an inner cave in you and me.
In this inner cave lives the „Real I".
Our body is only a good cover.
Deep inside the being lives the Real I.

Grace Of God And The Poet

When gripped by
destructive self-importance,
humility becomes a grace for a poet.

Let God Be The Water Of Your Soul.

Are your insides starting to shrivel?
God tells: Then Drink me! ! !

Internalize God. Ingest God in you.

Can You Sleep Today After Seeing Me Begging?

Do you see me now?

I have no food.
I am hungry and thirsty.

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