Truth was there at the beginning of the beginning
Truth was there at beginning of the beginning of the beginning
the earth the skies and the beyond in short the world
the unconscious and th preconscious and the conscious and the beyond
they baffle our imagination and hence they do not exist
but in language
Te minions of Time carry the palanquin of the body
Inside the body the Mind is seated
True that the poetry of the earth is never dead
The grasshopper and the cricket testify that
Neither do I hate a man nor do I detest awoman
But I hate masculinity
Every man and woman is masculine
Because everyone suffers from hopes and fears
Keats wanted the constancy of the bright star
only to see the heaving breast of his ladylove
only to hear the heartbeat of his sweet heart
Call it bathos?
She comes from the abyss She is an Abyssinian maid
a damsel with a dulcimer
She appears in every heart whenever she lists
and then vanishes
There is a firmament in every sand
There is afirmament in every piece of rock
There is a beauty born from the calyx of ugliness
Whose eyes are cauldrons of deceit
The dance I feel at my heart-lubdub
The dance i feel in my throbbing brain
We brag that India is the land of sages and saints
They retired from the world enamoured of divine colloquy
Truth was there at the beginning of the beginning
Truth was there at beginning of the beginning of the beginning
What was true alone was there
And truth has persisted through the ages
Let change do whatever it can truth alone remains
Change has sprung from truth
For there was nothing else than truth
And change is its offspring
Or perhaps change is truth and truth was change
Change was at the beginning
Change was what is past
Change is what is now
Change is what will be in times to come
Change is Truth
Truth is Change
I welcome truth in every breath
Hail to thee Oh Death