Edwina Reizer Poems

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While We Wait

As we age and become older each day
Too many of us have lost our way.
We become accepting and await our fate.
Usually a little in fear we wait.

I Forget Sometimes

I forget sometimes
What it was like to be young.
But then comes that instant
Like a word on the tip of your tongue

I Have Known

I have known piety.
I have known sin.
Both have taught me
the dilemma I'm in.

Had I Known

Had I known then what I know today
Would that have changed anything?
Back then I'd not been ready for it,
Not ready to accept life's sting.

Not My Trait

My mother, whose courage was like a rock
always mystified me.
She took that grit and bravery
that was always she.


Who of us can escape death's scene
and if we could what would it mean?
Having to face a world gone mad
that can't seem to understand good from bad.

Deliver Me

Deliver me from darkness.
Deliver me from pain.
Deliver me from loneliness
and let love remain.

I Choose

Can you place your heart under the ground
and keep it buried there?
Or would it just burst forth like a skeleton
and try to come up for air?


Why do I dream of impossibilities?
I wish them to leave my head.
Why don't I dream of practical things
while I am in bed?

Toast The New Year

Have a toast and drink to me
and taste the sweetened drink.
And I, myself shall have a sip
before I sit and think.

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