Never trust a white man,
Never kill a Jew,
Never sign a contract,
Never rent a pew.
I like Canadians.
They are so unlike Americans.
They go home at night.
Their cigarettes don't smell bad.
A porcupine skin,
Stiff with bad tanning,
It must have ended somewhere.
Stuffed horned owl
The only man I ever loved
Said good bye
And went away
He was killed in Picardy
If my Valentine you won't be,
I'll hang myself on your Christmas tree.
Some came in chains
Unrepentant but tired.
Too tired but to stumble.
Thinking and hating were finished
The age demanded that we sing
And cut away our tongue.
The age demanded that we flow
For we have thought the larger thoughts
And gone the shorter way.
And we have danced to devil's tunes,
Shivering home to pray;
Desire and
All the sweet pulsing aches
And gentle hurtings
That were you,
Soldiers never do die well;
Crosses mark the places -
Wooden crosses where they fell,
Stuck above their faces.