Desire and
All the sweet pulsing aches
And gentle hurtings
That were you,
Are gone into the sullen dark.
Now in the night you come unsmiling
To lie with me
A dull, cold, rigid bayonet
On my hot-swollen, throbbing soul.
Killed Paive - July 8- 1918 Desire and All the sweet pulsing aches And gentle hurtings That were you, Are gone into the sullen dark. Now in the night you come unsmiling To lie with me A dull, cold, rigid bayonet On my hot-swollen, throbbing soul. - - In ITALIAN: Ucciso il Piave - 8 luglio 1918 Il desiderio e Tutti quegli amabili indolenzimenti pulsanti E la dolenzia delicata Che tu rappresentavi, Si sono persi nella cupa oscurità. Ora, di notte, senza un sorriso Giaci con me: Una smorta, fredda e rigida baionetta Sull'anima mia ardente, turgida, palpitante..
Now in the night you come unsmiling To lie with me A dull, cold, rigid bayonet well 10+++++++++++++++++