sometimes the deaf
hear better than the blind
some men
My four year old daughter comes home from school with a map of the world. This
is Africa she tells me. This is where we
come from. Daddy watch me color the rest
of the world. I watch her color Europe red
on the top shelf
of the closet
in the hat my father
wears on special occasions
He watched her move the food in her plate
And he was moved -
He wanted to follow the food to her lips
snow falling on prayers
covering the path
made by your
I'm in the school bathroom
washing my hands without
soap but I'm still washing my hands.
Rosa Parks dreams about
a bus in Jerusalem. A headless
woman sits in her seat. There is no
When you were in elementary school
no one told you about the black laws
of cause and effect. Your science teacher
It was the language that left us first.
The Great Migration of words. When people
spoke they punched each other in the mouth.
There was no vocabulary for love. Women