Looking down one's nose
Attracts anger and quarrel;
Good view without disdain
leads one to live so well.
J-anuary ninth breaks,
E-arly Monday morning;
A-fter the lonely twilight,
N-ew dawn is in the offing.
Man's eyes see what is visible,
not the things that are viewless;
Alluring lakes and rivers
overflow with water of gladness.
S-weet smile in your eyes
H-as brightened the day;
I-t brings sheer happiness
E-ven during blue and gray.
J-ust keep your eyes open,
E-very time you wake up;
B-ecause anything can happen,
Z-one of danger doesn't flop.
J-ust dry your eyes now,
O-pen them to bright sky;
Y-es, the dawn has broken,
A-fter the twilight passes by.
J-ust clear your eyes and smile,
O-pen your heart to million mirth;
S-top crying and view for a while
E-very wonder of lovely earth.
I-n the eyes of a child
N-othing is a deep secret;
C-hasing rainbow is a dream, the view is far from fret.
F-ix your eyes on the horizon, move forward, don't look back;
E-vade even the left and right, keep your focus on track.
D-irect or hold steadily,
N-ew dawn has broken,
O-n early fifth January;
R-ise of the morning sun
I-s truly pleasant to see.
A-s you wake from slumber,
N-ew dawn starts to break;
N-either dusk nor twilight shall cause you heartache.
L-et Tuesday twilight pass,
E-vening shadows disappear;
T-wenty-eighth December brings
T-otal joy to another
V-ile weather turns fine,
E-arly Tuesday March twenty-one;
N-o huge waves in the sea;
E-ven rivers calmly
N-o more lonely eyes
I-n early morning light;
A-fter the twilight is gone,
N-ew dawn replaces the
D-ry the tears in your eyes,
A-s the dawn starts to break;
N-ew morn makes a promise,
I-t will take away the ache.
J-ust keep our eyes peeled,
E-very night and every day;
N-either eye will ever blink
I-n fighting the evil gray.
M-ake your both eyes open
I-n watching the bright light;
R-ight path will be seen
A-fter the long dark night.
B-ehold the sky above
E-very fourth day October;
N-ew light you shall see,
J-ust pleasant to the viewer.
F-ire in your eyes
L-ets your strength increase;
O-n October first day
R-each the prize of bliss.
M-ake your eyes open,
A-s the dawn begins to break;
R-ainy night has turned
I-nto a new chance to take.
J-ust when everything is lost,
A-llow your faith to remain,
Y-ou shall live your life
V-ery well under the rain.
M-agic in your eyes
I-s working wondrous deed;
N-ight chill turns into warmth,
G-od gives all that I need.
A-ll eyes of Jem truly love you,
I-n the sincerity of her face;
Y-ou shall now understand
E-verything's in proper place.
J-ust let March twenty-second
I-solate the gray and blue;
M-orn has just broken,
M-aking the sun shine for
J-ust let sunny Saturday
O-pen the morn with light;
N-ew dawn March eighteenth
A-ims to set your birth aright.
R-ising sun sixteenth March
O-pens the morn with light;
N-ew dawn has broken,
A-t the end of the night.
A-fter the twilight ends,
N-ew morn has broken;
N-o more mist, fog, and haze,
E-xcitement is given.
S-hadows early Saturday
A-re swept by the dawn;
R-ise of the sun begins,
A-bove the new
M-arch first early morn
I-s coming to thrill you;
C-old chilling raindrop
H-as vanished into the blue.
J-ust let Tuesday pass,
H-azy night comes to an end;
E-arly twenty-second February
A-ims to feel the soft wind.
M-orn fifteenth February
I-s lovely, fresh, and warm;
D-awn is keeping you
A-way from any harm.
L-et Saturday sky shine,
E-arly eleventh February;
A-nother break of dawn
H-as brought much glory.
L-et fifth February fun
A-im to light up the day;
I-t's Sunday morning glory,
C-old chill fades
J-ust let Tuesday morn
E-rase the Monday night;
N-ew dawn has broken,
A-fter the lonely twilight.
R-ise of the sun begins
E-arly Tuesday morning;
N-ew dawn starts to break,
A-s the light is shining.
C-oal clouds don't gather,
E-arly Thursday morning;
N-ew dawn has broken,
E-vening chill is fading.
J-anuary twenty-ninth day
E-rases the cold night;
A-fter the dusk is gone,
N-ew dawn leaves the twilight.
B-eacon twenty-third January
R-emains warm and bright;
E-vening shadows disappear,
N-ew dawn sets things aright.
A-s you wake seventeenth January,
N-ight chill and rain vanish;
N-ew dawn has broken, haze and mist diminish;
E-arly light meets your eyes,
L-etting you leave the night;
I-n the sky the sun is shining,
Z-enith sets everything
J-ust open your eyes
O-ctober sixteenth day;
V-ile clime wreaks havoc,
E-agerly wait, hope and pray.