My Angel Daughter
You came into this world
Was treasured forever.
My Birthday Wishes.......
come speedy from all destinations
From my friends, my PF friends, my families and my children
All lovable greetings and blessings is a supreme treasure
Today is my birthday
My soul is feeling lonely
My inner spirit ache with twinge
my children wishes me with love
Embrace me tight and rap me slow
Take me deep and don't permit to go
The music our groan and exhale stridently
Perfect for the friends salsa
When the sea is clam
Moon light shines thee
Sit and think what life desire
Deep chocolate cover kisses in the shower
Starving heart and mouth set in action again
Soothe food for you, sexual category and chocolate
Script love poetry on your hot glowing skin
Can you see God's beauty
Can you see His love shine
In everything around you
Just look at all the magnificent signs.
I'm a traveler
I travel around the globe
With my sociable outlook
And designer garments
My Children I love them so much
They are part of my body and mind
I embrace them and shield them all my life
From wickedness and suffering of the world
life is so wonderful surround by love ones
Years went by and everything grew into its pattern
Than this the day you are deep in pain
when your love ones betray you
Love me without panic
Trust me without analytical
Need me without demanding
Want me without limitations
To a child's ear, 'mother' is the supernatural in any speech
Mother is the name of God in the lips and hearts of children
Life is mystery with countless ups and downs
In the long or short road of shadows
Taking its journey with no sustain
A journey to the long or short road is never-ending
Let me tell you one unique story and a joke
But before a start I must introduce my country Fiji is in the middle of the sea, nice and cool.
Relax and friendly environmental zone.
It’s has a population of approx 800,000 people
India is a nation
Pride and bright
Its not people or misdeed
India is extraterrestrial music
In friendship's fragrant garden
The flower is the poetry of reproduction.
None can have a healthy love for flowers
unless he loves the wild ones.
Days may go by ……………….
Remembrances may grow fainter
But you inactive in my heart
My strawberry lips of wine
So sweet and delicate to touch
So juicily delicious to kiss
And smooth soft you can feel
My Gorgeous Daughters – Yoreeta & Moreesha
I was blessed with two of you...
You will never know how over confident
I am of all the things you do.
Oh how the years go by
Oh how moment can certainly fly
once just thoughtfulness in far away dreams
now into my arms and in my eyes shine
My Angel Daughter
My Angel Daughter
You came into this world
Was treasured forever.
An angel sent from heaven above
For my pride heart to embrace.
My pride heart is overflowing
With the marvel of a love like
I have never acknowledged.
When I cuddled you in my arms
It was magical! A touch no other
But my motherhood could offer.
Truly the passion required no words.
Your gorgeous face
Is something I admire to see each day?
With a single word of love to intensity
As you are so cute and amazingly lucid
Your eyes soften me with emotion
So powerful it is beyond belief.
A caring and unconditional love
That shines from them, that…
Makes me tremble with excitement
For our life to start a journey
Each day your smile seal
my heart with a happiness
To have you in my life daughter
is truly a blessing!
Whenever my cute daughter you embrace me,
I hope you by no means let go from me
I will always embrace you back,
And this I hope you know...........
How much I desire for you to be with me
You’re my angel daughter, my sweetest daughter,
Everything I desire you to be.
You’re my angel daughter sent from god,
To share my life with you.
Maybe one day we meet again,
In other circumstances and…
I promise to you yet again
My unconditional love and devotion.
For I will treasure each day
That God provide me and you,
Our own little piece of heaven on earth.
In which we can live forever
God bless you my angel daughter...
With health, wealth and happiness of peace
God bless you with all you necessitate in life.
You are my angel daughter....
I love you so.....
On summer evening a month of June,21 years ago I gave birth to a cute loving daughter, which was a very excitement day for both of us to see her softness and the way she embrace in my arms. Today she is grown up as a beautiful woman. One day she will leave my side to build her future and family like me.
Copyright; Ezna 12/Nov/ 2009