Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Barn Owls

The barn owls the quiet hunting birds of the night
Seen often flying across country roads in motor car headlights
Brown uppers and unders a pale gray to white
Such beautiful birds and so graceful in flight.

On Hearing Goldfinches

The goldfinches in small flocks they twitter and sing
And the fancy in me it somehow takes to wing
And i find myself back in the field by the hill
On a bright Summer's day by the clear mountain rill.

Though Some They May Hurt You

Though some they may hurt you with words that they say
As long as their words are not defamatory in any way
Give them back in words as good as you've got
You too can have your go at stirring the pot.

Bureaucracy Directors

Bureaucracy directors can be so immoral and dishonest
They pay their C E O's millions in salaries every year
For to sack workers and run on slender budgets
'We must protect our profits from them we only hear'

I Am Not The Type

I am not the type a mum and dad would feel proud to call son
But if i can live till i die without harming anyone
Then my existence will not have been in vain
Since i did not inflict on others pain,

Mick Barry

Mick Barry was a road bowler in his time Ireland's best
And he was never found wanting when he was put to the test
The pride of Cork road bowlers and old road bowling fans still recall
That his scores with Armagh's Danny McPartland were the greatest scores of all,

You Who Cannot Love Nature

Her natural ways you only wish to control
You who cannot love Nature you do not have a soul
Our beloved Earth Goddess the source of the poet's muse
The one who sustains us and her you abuse.

On Hearing A Greenfinch

I know the singer of the song though him i cannot see
His voice i knew in my younger years lives in my memory
The green he wears it blends in well with the foilage of the blackwood tree
Where he sing in the sun and wind in the warmth of January.

A Face Without Eyes

It bothers me a little since his eyes i can't see
The bloke wearing dark sunglasses who is looking at me
The windows of his soul from the World he disguise
There are few things more strange than a face without eyes

Death Comes To Us All

Death comes to the living at the end of their life
It happens to the husband and it happens to the wife
It happens to the girl and it happens to the boy
Some granted a short spell for to live and enjoy,

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