Francis Duggan Poems

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A Heavy Fog

The fog silently crawls across the sky and on the ground
And cloaks the countryside for miles around
And motorists drive with their headlights on though the clock has struck mid-day
And visibility down to twenty metres and everywhere looking gray.

In Climate Change

In climate change us humans will be the losers
Will humans live on Planet Earth in two hundred years from now?
Will birds and animals, fish and other life forms exist as we now know them?
Yet Nature herself will survive somehow.

I Stand By My Friend

I stand by my friend since my friend stands by me
When others criticize me with them she does not agree
She will not allow others for to put me down
I love her as a friend the best in the town

For Thirty Four Years

For thirty four years I have been penning rhyme
And in minutes and hours that does seem a long time
Perhaps in written words I have said all I should have to say
Still I cannot give my addiction away

I Can Only Blame Myself

I can only blame myself for my lack of success
The I am not good enough on myself I impress
In my mind of self doubt I have planted the seed
With my attitude at anything how can I succeed

The Big Game It Is Over

The big game it is over the winners celebrate
The losers heavy hearted seem in a sorry state
Little consolation to them to be gallant in defeat
For them there is no fanfare no bands playing in the street

Mary Dineen

In Knocknapogue and Millstreet never more to be seen
But she will be missed by all who knew her Mary Dineen
A good mother to her children and to Paddy a good wife
And a very good person who lived a good life.

People Without Worries

People without worries to say the least rare
As many in their lives have some cross to bear
Money cannot buy happiness ask the millionaire
Many of the financially well off too are burdened by care

Only The Best Horse

Only the best horse, colt, gelding, mare or filly ever wins the Cox Plate
And only the winner they will celebrate
First place by a nose is as good as a mile
The connections of the winner and the winning punters can laugh, cheer and smile

The Goddess Of Stone

The mystery of legend around her has grown
The one never seen and to none she is known
She lives on Mt Kolor aloof and alone
The Goddess referred to as the Goddess of Stone

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