Francis Duggan Poems

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Facts You Should Believe

A gray haired scraggly looking fellow is all you can see
But I am not what you think I am when looking at me
You cannot look into the thoughts of my mind
Like you I too have a soul and I too can be kind.

Signs Of Climate Change

The weather is chilly yet with so little rain
And not one dropp of water in the roadside drain
The hills overlooking the river are green
Yet signs of climate change not hard to be seen

The Mayan Calendar

The old Mayan were renowned seers who into the future with some accuracy did delve
But their calendar is due to end in the year of two thousand and twelve
They forecast the rise and fall of the Empires from century to century
And of wars all around the World with some share of accuracy.

I Do Not Write For Fortune Or For Fame

I do not write for fortune or for fame
Or that mine may become quite a well known name
I only write because writing I enjoy
I have loved rhyme verse ever since I was a boy

Good People To Say The Least

Good people to say the least in the World are not rare
They know how to give and they know how to share
They know that to receive you must learn how to give
And they firmly believe in live and let live.

John Buckley

John Buckley lived in Mushera upon the higher ground
A quiet and decent person his nickname 'John The Pound'
For the Aubane Gaelic Football Club he played Gaelic Football
Back in the nineteen sixties as I can well recall.

On Francis Ledwidge 'The Poet Of The Blackbird'

The poet and the soldier of Slane County Meath
With a tragic fate he was destined to meet
A World War 1 poet in battle he died
Far from his beloved Ireland and his home countryside

All You Need To Become Famous

'Tis not easy to become one worthy of note
Though you may even have been a Koroit Spud Poet
That may gain you maybe some local renown
Though you won't become the toast of the small rural town.

Our Different Views On Life

To make up humanity it does take every kind
And two who agree on all things would be hard to find
Our different views on life makes us interesting as some are known to say
And the like minded we do not meet every day

Many Say Our Life's Journey

Many say our life's journey is fashioned from the life choices we make
That due to poor decisions the wrong road we do take
But assumptions to make to some people do come easily
The people who discount what is known as life's destiny,

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