Francis Duggan Poems

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Kara has found a new lover one might say she has been through a few
And he is a bit with the fifty more than fifty one or fifty two
His hair at the ends it is dyed dark for to match up with his dark toupet
Though she too is not a Spring chicken and she has known a better day.

Written After A Visit To Birds Paddock

On the gum trees at Birds Paddock crested cockies squawk and call
And the magpies flute their sweetest notes as shades of darkness fall
And the kookaburras laughing, laughing all of their cares away
At Birds Paddock in Tecoma in the gloaming of the day.

Still The Past Forever Is The Past

Our lot in life can be of our own making or due to circumstance
And it would be nice so very nice to get a second chance
But we do not get a second chance to correct the past for the clock keeps ticking on
From the past we can only learn for the past is forever gone.

The Upwey Girls

Oh the Upwey girls are pretty with the best they can compete
And they show a lot of body in the humid Summer heat
Yes they show a lot of body, show a lot of sun tanned skin
And the mountain girls of Upwey have ways of attracting men.

The Spur Winged Plover

In darkened paddock by the wood the spur winged plover call
And I hear his voice in the night long after darkness fall
It seems the countryside asleep under the stars of night
And spur winged plover's voice ring out when all the World is quiet.

Lida's Birthday

She has never known it easy Lida who is fifty five today
And she does not wear any makeup or hair dye to cover her gray
And she won't be having a birthday party she says what's to celebrate
Life has not been happy for me since I lost Jim my soul mate

The Dying Boy

Oh I will go to heaven so said the little boy
My mum tells me that I'll go there when my turn comes to die
And roses bloom in heaven and birds sing every day
And I will be in heaven I will be there by May.

Springtime In Emerald

Springtime in Emerald the white backed magpie singing
And o'er the lush and green paddocks the bush lark's voice is ringing
The mountain gums bask in the sun, the wattle trees are blooming
And breath of mountain air is sweet with Nature's own perfuming.

I'Ve Seen

I've seen grown men come to blows over football which goes to prove after all
That what to many seems an unimportant thing to some doesn't seem so small
Suppose 'tis what you feel motivated by and where your interests lay
And some of us live for others fame or so 'twould seem that way.

To Joel

You will not achieve your greatest goal
And be re-instated as foreman Joel,
You've had your chance and came unstuck
And you've abused your better luck.

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