Francis Duggan Poems

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The Mushera Hill Climbers

On Christmas Day some Aubane people people climb Mushera hill
A tough uphill trek in the damp morning chill
Young people and people well beyond their life prime
Some of them have climbed Mushera many a time

A Shy And Single Man

To him 'tis such an effort just to walk along the street
Shackled by his inhibitions people he doesn't wish to meet
Not a community type of person his band of friends doesn't grow
He just keeps to himself mostly and new people does not wish to meet or know.

Happiness Goes With Her

Her shoulder length brown hair is blowing in the breeze
With herself she is one who does seem at ease
A beautiful young woman untouched by conceit
Young men look at her as she walks on the street

Of Supermen And Superwomen

Of Supermen and Superwomen we hear of and read
People who are driven by the desire to succeed
People with huge egos that the praises of others inflate
So full of themselves yet them we celebrate

He Keeps On Keeping On

The years are creeping up on him he has turned ninety three
And though he has seen many Seasons he's still a better man than me
He says one never is too old for to partake in cheer
And with the young blokes at the pub he laughs as he drinks his beer.

I Love The Town Of Warrnambool

I love the Town of Warrnambool a happy and busy place
In the Victorian coastal City all cultures they embrace
And every race of person in Warrnambool a welcome does find
In the bright and breezy City there's respect for every kind.

Nowadays I'D Feel A Stranger In Millstreet

Nowadays I'd feel a stranger in Millstreet where for many Seasons I did dwell
A stranger even to the people I went to school with and knew well
I may walk the streets of the old Town and none there me may recognize
It's been twenty one years since I lived there though travel has not made me wise

Some Males

Some males to protect their egos for a woman's love do fight
The winner has the privilege of bedding her tonight
We are no better than animals when violence for us seen to pay
And some very swollen egos amongst the young males of today.

A Fellow From Hibernia

A fellow from Hibernia's shore is all I'll ever be
From that old Land far north of here in the Atlantic sea
I've not been there for twenty one years in time a lengthy span
The babe back then has come of age and is now a full blown man

I Do Not Wish To Meet Him

When he sing his own praises I pretend not to hear
So good I don't meet him often just a couple of times a year
I know about his top job and his expensive new car
And he feel so proud to tell me of how great his buddies are

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