Francis Duggan Poems

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True Individuals

Much the same today as it was long ago
That most of us humans are tribal happens to be so
Most of us political in our ways why otherwise pretend
Those of similar ideas to us we like to befriend

He May Never

He may never see the Paps of Shrone again
Or Caherbarnagh in the fogs of rain
Or Gortavehy with the stony face
He is growing old far south of his first homeplace

For Our Every Mistake

Of life the more we do learn the more we come to realize
That we do know so little this not a surprise
New lessons for us for to learn every day
That we never stop learning does seem true to say

It's Own Self Does Explain

Live and let live as the wise one does say
And perform at least one good deed if you can every day
Those who help people of helping in need
For their future good Karma are planting the seed

Don'T Ask Jack Iversen For His Opinion On Wonthaggi

Don't ask Jack Iversen for his opinion on Wonthaggi
For he will only tell you it is great
And you'd swear by him that it is sheer Utopia
The very next step down from heaven's gate.

My Life Hereafter

A young looking St Peter he stood by heaven's gate
He said you cannot enter and for penance now too late
On Earth you were a sinner and to see you I'm not glad
You never worshipped God at all and your rhymes were even bad.

For One His Age He's Not Learnt Much

The old fellow Bill he spoke quite loud he must have had drank a few beers
And it would seem he does not have that much between his ears
And anyone of Irish race at him would take offence
For one his age he's not learnt much and he doesn't make much sense.

Song Of A Hillman

The hill I once lived near is far away back there in old Duhallow
But where ever to where the Hillman go the mountains seem to follow
The skylark from the bracken rise and upwards he goes winging
And o'er the slopes of Clara hill I still can hear him singing.

Mid Autumn On The Cork And Kerry Border

From the small green fields of Inches near the old Town of
The barn swallows have departed for the North African shore
And the oak so green in Summer changing colour looking brown

Underpaid Worker

Here am I with good cause for lament
For eighty dollars a day shovelling sand and cement
Shovelling sand and cement for eighty dollars a day
And on this day and age that must rate as poor pay.

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