Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
How Old Is This Country

How old is this Country would anyone know
This old coastal country where Merri waters flow
In and out of Lake Pertobe it slowly winds it's way
And on to the Pacific at Lady Bay

I Rhyme

I rhyme not for the love of wealth and fame
Or that mine would become a celebrated name
I only rhyme because i love to rhyme
I have been penning stuff since i was in my life's prime

Thuggery Street

Not a good place to rent or buy a house in Thuggery Street
A bloke who lived there for a few years i often do meet
Tells me his few years there were an Earthly Hell
Of life there he does not have good stories to tell

Why Should I Care

Of my political preferences i make others aware
But of who Governs the Country why should i much care
Since the major political parties in their policies seem similar indeed
And they will not be helping those of helping in need

I Have My Own Financial Worries

Though with you in your financial problems i have some sympathy to spare
I have my own financial worries and of them quite a share
If i die tomorrow the State to bury me may have to pay
But then i will be dead and past all cares anyway

I Am One Who Has

I am one who has done a bit of traveling far south of Hibernia's windswept shore
Far south of the countryside west of Millstreet and Clara overlooking Claramore
In Claraghatlea where i was born and raised in i would be a stranger to many today
But i do miss the old fields of my young years old memories die hard it does seem this way

What Is Success Can Anybody Tell Me

What is success can anybody tell me since few on what it means seems to agree
The person you look on as successful may not be a successful one to me
Through different eyes we see things very different and your ideas of life different to mine
On what is success we do not see eye to eye on but that you have your own opinions on it suits me fine

Kieran Hickey

For many years in his home in Liscreagh Kieran Hickey lived on his own
And outside of the town land he was not widely known
A shy sort of a fellow in his own quiet way
Though known to be clever quiet waters run deep they say

Who Would Believe

Who would Believe the southern calendar Winter only seven weeks away
For Autumn and April a beautiful day
The weather sunny and warm twenty five degrees
With even a Summer type of warmth in the gentle Summer like breeze

A Happy Sound

In the children's playground in the park by the bay
The joy in the laughter of children at play
A happy sound that does bring joy to my day
Laughter is the best medicine as some like to say

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