Francis Duggan Poems

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We All Do Have A Hobby To Pursue

I'm at least three decades beyond my prime
And i feel that i am running out of time
A man who is immersed in slipshod rhyme
Though that should not be looked on as a crime

For Love Gone Sour

My ex as she describes him she does hate
And she says bad karma for himself he does create
Though she once loved him and he fathered her son
Hate is love turned upside down when all is said and done.

People With True Kindness

Tis not the money in your wallet but the kindness in your heart
That from many of your contemporaries places you apart
That makes you rather special those with true kindness rare
There surely is a lack of it in the bigger World out there

The Voices Of Birds

The currawongs sing in the wood over there
They cannot be mistook for their familiar air
They call karrawang flying from tree to tree
You know them by their song before them you do see.

Goodbye To This Town

Goodbye to this town i am leaving but i will be back here next Spring
For to greet the wildflowers of September and hear the birds whistle and sing
In the parkland, gardens and on the street trees all day long till the sun goes down
Tis goodbye for now but not forever to this beautiful old Country-town.

In God's Name

When they say God's on their side to themselves they do lie
And in God's name they kill and in God's name they die
And as they march their National flags they do wave
As they try to define what is truthful and brave.

A Dapper Old Fellow

I know this old bloke in his eighties he is such a dapper old man
A batchelor and one without children he nears the end of his life span
Always well dressed and never unhappy with a full head of silver gray hair
As he walks down the street in the morning he whistles some happy old air

In Matty Owen's Bog

In Matty Owen's bog going back decades ago
With Pudsy i hunted near where Finnow waters flow
Old Pudsy our faithful old brown cattle dog
She chased many a hare through the length of the bog.

What Suits One

Down south in central Victoria enjoying retired life
The tall ageing man from Darwin with his shorter ageing wife
He said the weather a bit cool though around 26 degrees
In a genuinely cold climate to death of cold they'd freeze.

The Future Can Be Better One Can Only Live In Hope

I know where i was born at but i don't know where I'll die
And if i told you i cared then that would be a lie
For the dead past all feeling they have had their day
Live for as long as you can as a wise one did say,

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