Francis Duggan Poems

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What Goes Around Comes Around

What goes around comes around that seems so true
For we only receive the karma we are due
And if to help out others you go out of your way
Good karma will be your's to enjoy one day.

A Bright And Sunny Day

A bright and sunny day in the Winter it makes one happy to be alive
A nice day to go out the Country if one had a car for to drive
Or to have a walk in the parkland and enjoy the Winter sunshine
Last night it was windy and raining this sort of weather suits me fine,

In Nature's World Nature's Wonders Do Abound

In Nature's World Nature's wonders do abound
The billions of ants that crawl around the ground
The trillions of flying things beetles, flies and bees
That buzz around the blossom laden trees.

Without A Laugh Day

Some people about money they worry themselves gray
But life is scarce worth living without a laugh a day
For if you live without laughter how boring your life must be
You are worse off than a pauper though you may be well off financially.

Memories Of Lost Youth

When I was a young boy many decades ago
I thought babies like flowers in the gardens did grow
That's what I was told and what I did believe
Children have their innocence and are not hard to deceive.

Death The Great Equalizer

Some die of natural causes some in a tragic way
But for every single one of us a final night and day
Without respect for the power of wealth and without respect for fame
Death the great equalizer treats everyone as the same

My God Mother Nature

I feel that I have heard enough of talk of World strife
And what I need is joy and love and peace back in my life
And I must refrain from listening to the radio news and watching T.V.
For rumours of revenge and war is worrying to me.

Boys Will Be Boys

The grown men must play with their dangerous toys
Like those who do say that boys will be boys
But real guns have bullets and bullets cause blood spill
And bullets can maim for life if they don't kill.

For Some To Be Racist

For racism in this World there should not be a place
For the crimes of one you condemn a whole race
For some to be racist any excuse they will find
Since racism is born of ignorance and ignorance is blind.

Cyber Bullying

Does not matter your gender or what age you are
If you are into cyber bullying you have gone too far
In bad behavior your actions seem small
In fact you are not a good person at all

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