Francis Duggan Poems

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Two Weeks Into September

Two weeks into September the leaves begin to brown
In the groves and in the Town Park of in and near Millstreet Town
And soon the redwing thrushes in the old fields will be seen
When the gray frost of the cold morning does temporarily cloak the green,

The Dead Hero's Grave

He fell in a battle from here far away
But in his native earth his remains now lay
The war that he fought in by his side not won
And the aged mother she still grieves the loss of her son.

The Old Dressage Horse

Of the reaper's scythe he does not feel aware
The old dressage horse in the paddock over there
His kind owner calls to see him every day
To make sure his water trough is full and feed him oats and hay.

Why Waste Your Time On Worry, Stress And Woe

Why waste your time on worry stress and woe
For life is brief and time quickly ticks away
And why stress yourself about things you cannot change
Since worrying leaves you looking old and gray.

The True Meaning Of Freedom

Many look on what constitutes freedom one might say differently
What seems free to you may not seem free to me
To be ruled by your own people to you as freedom does count
But in the true meaning of freedom that to little amount.

The Quiet Man Of The Town

For to live a good life he does the best he can
The down to earth hard working honourable man
To support his wife and children he works hard for his pay
And for him at work there is never an easy day,

Abuse Of Human Rights

Abuse of Human Rights is a thing that's Worldwide
And many who think they have God on their side
Would need for to clean the windows to their soul
They see torture only as human control

Almighty Mother Nature

The Homo Sapiens who lived in caves on mountains
Of the success of their descendants could not have visualized
And even today the most intelligent species
At their achievements even seemed surprised.

To Be The Best You Can Be

You may have many worries and feel racked by inner strife
But to be the best you can be is all you can be in life
What i say here by many others in other ways been said before
To be the best you can be just that and nothing more.

She Is A Marvellous Person

She is a marvellous person of that there's little doubt
And she is kind and honest and she is so devout
She goes to her church on sunday and every night she pray
And she thanks her god in heaven for another happy day

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