Francis Duggan Poems

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Some Lack

Some lack in compassion as well as in empathy
And for the suffering of those they see as different can't feel sympathy
And sad to say nowadays their type are not rare
The small minded sort of the big World out there.

By Those Interested In War History

By those interested in war history war history is read
But the winners write the war history or so it is said
That is how it is and will always be
What is true to one is not to another that's how it seems to me

The Quiet Man Of The Town

For to live a good life he does the best he can
The down to earth hard working honourable man
To support his wife and children he works hard for his pay
And for him at work there is never an easy day,


Each time I see a ladybird I recall Clock A Clay
A poem in a school book years ago and far away
Written about the spotted beetle by the great poet John Clare
A gem amongst Nature poetry that to the best compare.

A True Redneck

He says he is good for the Country he goes to his job every day
And he works damn hard for a living and he's never drawn easy pay
And he is down on all dole bludgers he sees them as without a soul
Though he never tells anybody that he has two sons on the dole.

Those Marvellous Morris Dancers

Those happy Morris dancers make for a happy sight
They wear bright scarlet ribbons and their shirts and trousers white,
They clash their sticks whilst dancing and you hear the timbers ring
Though 'twould seem that Morris dancing is not a female thing.

The Ringtail Possum

The sun goes down beyond the western hill
And darkness comes in with the evening chill
And all day creatures gone to roost and rest
And ringtail possum leaves her leafy nest.

Some Mother's Daughter

I heard on the news on the radio today
How a young woman died in a car smash on the Calder Highway
Unmarried in her early twenties they did not give her name
Or not say where she lived or from what town she came.

An Ageist Society

They say a man is old when he stops looking
And a woman only as old as she look
And you cannot judge the book just by the cover
Though the cover often helps to sell the book.

Life Is A Great Teacher

You know your true friend when you are in most need
For like 'tis said such a friend is a friend indeed
One who stands by you when you are feeling down
A cash strapped and depressed poor soul of the town

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