Francis Duggan Poems

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Wise People

Wise people are people who do not feel wise
The depth of their wisdom they do not realize
Not arrogant or conceited in any way
Though very profound things you do hear them say

I Remember The Time

I remember the time when the Gaelic Footballers of Millstreet
In the Cork County Senior Championship for the best were a hard team to beat
But time does bring change as some like to say so
And that is going back a few decades ago.

The Once Great River

In the once great river pollution is rife
Nowadays it does not support much aquatic life
In a polluted river fresh water fish rare
Pollution can cause extinction of that much we are aware

One Thing We Should Know About Terrorism

There's one thing we should know about terrorism it will not be beaten by force
But we can lessen the threat of it by treating it at it's source
Like in our attitude to those different to us since the sort of a Human World we live in we help to create
Since racism and cultural divisions only does give rise to hate

Old Rupert The Border Collie

Old Rupert the border collie his muzzle is gray
And clearly he has known a far better day
His kind master Gen of him does take good care
As she says the Rupert Dogs of this World are rare

If You Think I Am A Loser

If you think I am a loser well that does suit me fine
Since what you think about me is your business not mine
I only live good as I can wish none an Earthly Hell
I do not have a gift as such I just pen doggerel.

The Black Angus Bull

Out there in the paddock I hear the black bull
He never stops bellowing when the moon is full
I wonder does the moon effect him in some strange way
For I've never heard him bellow in the light of the day

The Song Of The Lark

On the slopes of the hill as dawn's lamp lights the sky
The little brown lark from the bracken does fly
A thing of great beauty so pleasant to hear
His distinctive carolling melodious and clear

The Mark Of A Man

His friends influence his ideas on manhood you are allowed to laugh but not to weep
And over the love of a female you are not supposed to lose sleep
In the pub with his mates Don and Tony and Danny and Peter and Stan
Their conversation leads to one subject on what is the mark of a man? .

The Fellow Who Doesn'T Fit In

He doesn't play sports drink alcohol or take dope and you might say he doesn't fit in
And he doesn't lust after young women and he's not seen as a man amongst men
He works hard to provide for his family and he leads a good and a clean life
And he is a nice man to talk to and he is faithful to his wife.

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