Francis Duggan Poems

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A Nostalgic Young Man

His old Shire from the City a three hours drive and nostalgia can be a strange thing
For he miss the wide brown paddocks where the brown singing bushlark sing
He is doing his best to settle in to life in the big Town
Where all day and night on the busy street traffic buzz up and down

True Friendship The Test Of

My friend and I did quarrel and a punch up did take place
And when I asked him for his forgiveness a smile lit up his face
We shook hands and we made up that's what friendship is about
Your friend he will forgive you though you punch him in the mouth.

The Village Idiot

There is a Village idiot in every little town
A poor not too with it fellow for others to put down
Some people find it enjoyable to others to be cruel
A fair go for all to all never applies in a town where bullies rule

Black Swans In The Night Sky

I heard the black swans in the clear moonlit sky
As above the Town to the lake they did fly
To me they do have such a musical song
You hear them once and you never get them wrong.

These Noisy Music Festivals

These noisy Music Festivals where the rock bands are so loud
Where peace is quiet a stranger amongst the noisy crowd
I have been in such gatherings though I felt out of place there
A balding man near sixty with gray and straggly hair.

The People Who Love Nature

Not seen as great or special or the leaders of our time
But to the people who love Nature i dedicate this rhyme
They dedicate their free time for the future of human kind
And in the person who loves Nature a great person you will find.

The Shopping Trolley Man

Every day for eight hours or maybe more
He walks up and down through the car park by the big food store
On the lookout for unreturned shopping trolleys for each one he returns a dollar is his pay
The most he might earn would be thirty dollars a day.

Lake Bolac It Is Almost Dry

I know that climate change is for real not an environmentalist lie
One of Western Victoria's largest lakes Lake Bolac is almost dry
Perhaps down to twenty per cent of capacity and dwindling by the day
The remaining water in it from the original lake shore now does seem far away.

Once The Town's Rose

In Cafe Saltwater overlooking the sea
You will see her there every day around three
Enjoying her cappucino she sits on her own
As one of great beauty she used to be known.

Nature She Lives On Forever

We hear of and read of earthquakes, huge winds and huge floodings in the newspapers and on the radio each day
And climate change is for real and happening despite what the sceptics do say
The more money you have in such a case the more that you do stand for to lose
To none the Nature Goddess is subservient her own ways she always does choose

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