Ramesh T A Future Poems

Efficient Modern Machines In Future!

Modern machines give great frustrations to due to malfunction or not working at critical moments;
When working well, it gives great to do all works in accordance with mind's fast ideas;
Otherwise, it is a hell to do to any work interesting with these modern gadgets ever;
Modern machines are there to help for all to do works fast and well in excellence!

About The Future World!

Future world is in the hands of
Today's children and youths sure;
Realizing this, politicians make way
For them to take responsibility!

A Knowledge Light For Bright Future!

Nothing can be known in darkness;
Darkness makes one ignorant in life.
Light only makes one see in darkness;
Light removes darkness to show a way.

One Best Future Vision!

One Best Future Vision!

Living in harmony with Nature is the best way to live in the world;
By cooperation and coordination only we can live together ever;

World Is Same Home For Past, Present and Future People Even If No Time To Die!

Feeling death may come soon, some finish life work earlier;
But before enjoying a great feat has been made all complications

Best Ideas Of Past, Present And Future!

Best Ideas of Past, Present and Future!

Poet musing over best ideas of past, present and future creates further ideas as old wine in a new bottle;
That's why, Poetry is eternally new for all who seek ideals to add interest to life work.

Preserve Nature For Bright Future!

Early morning heat is increasing by Sunshine with no sound of birds and squirrels;
But cool Southern breeze starts to cool down heat passing by tall trees in the town;
Trees gently dancing by the breeze give solacing effect to all to breeze fresh air;
Nature gives encouraging effect to start the day's work with hope and confidence!

Only Superstar Can Do For Now And Future!

June has gone away and July has come with bouquet of flowers for
Lovers to say hello to their lady loves like the shower of rain in Sunlight;
Julia Caesar, August and Marcus Aurelius have come and gone in Rome;
Before that Genghiz khan, Alexander and then Adolf Hitler did nothing remarkable!

Save Nature By Social Development For Future Of Mankind!

Only in Nature one can enjoy real freedom and peace
And is where love blooms between hearts in world life!
This is true not only for animals and men, but also
For all living beings as all are children of Nature!

Real Problems Of Future World And Mankind!

All industrial, domestic and transport machines function with
Conventional energy from coal, fossil fuels, nuclear fuel and
Renewal source of energy from sun, wind and water now sure..!

Languages That Play Major Parts In The Future!

Ancient languages used only for spoken purpose ever
Are called as raw or Prakrit languages in the past;
Those Prakrit languages are around fifteen in numbers;
From them well cooked languages are nine in numbers!

A Speculation Of The Future!

Past and present we know pretty well;
But the future we have only speculation
Based on the present condition of life!

A Dark Future!

Present generation has knowledge, intelligence, etc.,
But not wisdom, talent and common sense to deal all!
Literature, songs and technical marvels are not shining;
But the old ones are still the golden ones to enjoy ever!

Future Of Languages!

Many world languages are not easy to learn
Quickly to write letters, articles and stories
For communication with others and reading
Books due to script variations, remembering

A Cloned Human And Robot Future World!

Future world may demand cloned humans and robots
For military and factory works to produce and perish
Scientifically developed beings to face world enemies
As terrorists, naxals and black marketers are increasing!

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