Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Do Want To Buy You A Dress (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

I do want to buy you a designer dress
in red, blue, green, black or even white,

A Shooting Star (Refrain Stanza)

A falling star did draw a long fiery line
where in the night I look at eternity where stars do origin and decline
or in mythology Thor maybe did let his hammer glow
or for Catholics someone did out of purgatory escape and go

Eclipse Of The Moon (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to Daniel Hugo)

Like wild wolves the dogs did howl
when the moon hanged bloody red in the sky,

So Very Much (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

So very much I do long to see you again
to daily live with you in times of gladness

In The Afternoons (Free Verse Sonnet)

In the afternoon countless lightning bolts do bash into eternity
when in the summer days rain do fall almost every afternoon
and poems of my memories of Heidelberg do begin
where I smell the blue-white intense air when the thunders roar,

Childhood:Sedaven, Heidelberg, Transvaal (Free Verse Sonnet)

A long dusty meandering path brings me to the dam
where I walk in and do open a female crab at the bottom,
find a lot of small pink ones that crawl over my hand
and go and sit against the trunk of a shading tree.

To Truly Love Someone Is Maybe Very Brave (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

Where you wander distant under the same sun
through your long hair blows the evening breeze

Military Service (Refrain Stanza)

(after Daniel Hugo)

Breyten Breytenbach writes on his cell's wall
and on paper: Help! Where a person feels small.

National Service And Thereafter (Refrain Stanza)

For two years I have to bend myself to other's will
and the days in hot pursuit of terrorists remain with me still,
we are at a laughable wage send to war
where life can last for only seconds more,

We Do Live Our Lives (Italian Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

We do live our lives so very discreet
yet my heart is filled with thoughts of you

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