Gert Strydom Poems

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No Red Rose

But once bloomed that crimson rose
which could stand with her head held high,
against life's darkest sky.

Onlooker (Free Verse Sonnet)

The eye measures everything in colour and black and white
but do not see that which is deep in the heart,
where love gets an own kind of stature,
I do own the beautiful of you in memories,

To Helen(English Sonnet)

(to my wife Daleen: Helena Dorothea, after Edgar Allan Poe)

Sweet Helen, you long to be with me,
while we do not live in the same home

(after WH Auden)

1 The image of the Beast (Swannet)

The Dragon (Continues)

(after WH Auden)

1 The image of the Beast (Swannet)

Encounter (Free Verse Sonnet)

(for Daleen)

On my knees on the soft sand You do find me,
the sun draws a silver line up to the horizon,

Prayer Of Thanks In Human Bliss (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after Elisabeth Eybers)

I want to thank You for one moment in an hour
where we did not speak a word with each other,

The Covid-19lock-Down Has In South Africa Double Standards

The government is messing with the lives of people,
the South African government mess South Africans around,
with great numbers of the dead it will be later a real mess
and with double standards people come right up to an abyss.

My God, You are aware of everything around me,
do know that world-wide with a virus there is calamity,
as a sinful man I stand before You perplexed
where all humanity is by this deadly thing vexed,

High Summer

(for Daleen, after Rita Mouton)

Like every other afternoon the thunder roars,
I notice blue-white flashes coming down closer and closer,

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