Gert Strydom Poems

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You Had Awaken A Eternal Love In Me (English Sonnet)

You had awaken a eternal love in me
as you had shouted my name at the gate
while you waved extremely merrily
and the night was dark and it was late

Apocrypha: Psalm 25

When man is busy with iniquity and darkness
there is nothing that You do not observe and comprehend
and every monstrosity is saved for judgement in Your record
but You do only want the best for each person,

Apocrypha: Psalm 26

You are the creator and source of the universe,
You do give life and You allow things to fall to disrepair,
by itself nothing was set in place
as everything comes from Your omnipotence from You mere command

Apocrypha: Psalm 27

Cleverly people try to determine Your Godliness
and mortally they fail to determine Your domain
as what You really are no human does know,
no mere human can determine Your substance and Your limits.

Apocrypha: Psalm 28

Insignificant I am and everything comes out of Your hand,
too wonderful and great You are for me to comprehend,
food and clothes are things that You do provide
and sincere and true I want to serve You my whole life long,

Apocrypha: Psalm 29

I want to thank You for the rain that falls on every summer afternoon,
for all of the countless small blessings,
for all of the fruit that this summer brings
and for every virtuous wonderful thing

Apocrypha: Psalm 30

Rejoicing I want to sing a song of Zion to You
as You still have got control of every thing,
where in unemployment You do constantly provide for me,
where You do constantly notice my misery and cares,

I Know Tonight (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to Marlene van Niekerk)

It's in a world of lonely mercilessness
where you do constantly bring joy to me,

Acquiescence (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to Marlene van Niekerk)

My love, when the twilight and night comes dark-blue
with the evening-star and moon hanging on their places

You Are Like The Serene Open Sky (Free Verse Sonnet)

Day and night you are like the serene open sky
over the scenery of my life,
I find you at places where I do not expect you,
in each moment's remembering and meaning,

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