Hailey Marie

Hailey Marie Poems

i hate how these dreams seem like reality. and when i wake up, the first thing i think about is how much i want you, and the second thing is how you can't be mine.
i've seen enough now, to know that beautiful things don't stay that way. somehow, i'm still crossing my fingers...hoping you'll turn back and realize you've made a huge mistake.
it's love, i know...and i trust that, because my feelings for you grew into a gut instinct. i wasn't aware how it was, until it was over.
i'm not gonna lie, i made a few mistakes in my life. i never said the things i wanted to say, i never did the things i was supossed to do. and i regret it too.

Sometimes I wish I could just be a little kid again. So when life gets tough you can just play pretend. I wanna go back to when Santa did exist. When your daddy was the only boy you ever kissed. When Disney World was the best place to be. When the only movies you could see were rated G. When your biggest problem was learning to write your name and people didn't change...and your friends were the same. And every time you were sad or you had a bad day. You could just run to mommy and it would all be okay. I wanna go back to no hurt...and no pain...just laughter. When everyone always lives happily ever after.

every now and then, those three little words slip out...no, not 'i love you', and no, not 'i hate you'...but 'i miss you' &for an instant, i can't stand myself because i know you never thought about me half as much as i thought about you.
When you said forever, you meant a few months. When I said forever, I meant every day until I died. When you said always, you meant until you couldn't handle it anymore. When I said always, I meant until time ended. When you said you loved me, you meant I was no different from any other girl. When I said I loved you, I meant I had never felt what I felt for you.

She should have known, from the look you gave, from the look she got.
It was so obvious; But she still strived for one more shot.
So, she tastes the regret. You're not hers for keeping.
So is this really it? The feeling that she keeps missing?

Well... I'm shameless when it comes to loving you.
I'd do anything you want me to, I'd do anything at all.
And I'm standing here for all the world to see,
there ain't that much left of me

My feelings turn to stone, my heart makes no apologies.
When an apology's made, it isn't always enough to erase all the past in a moment.
Whenever I need you the most, you always leave me behind.
With a word from your lips, I'm alone.

I could go back to every laugh,
But I don't wanna' go there anymore,
And I know all the steps up to your door,
But I don't wanna' go there anymore.

Another poem thing. Not getting into details. besides maybe the title. I think people and sheep are equal, the both follow the herd, but a dog will stay loyal no matter what all the other dogs are doing.

Am I alone now?
Was anything ever true?

Jealousy's a sin along with liquor and gin.
I'll have alot to repent for when I get to the pearly gates.
Looking at the couples I get feelings in my gut, loneliness, wishing I was the one goin' on dates.
But I'm not I probably won't ever be, cause guys don't seem so interested in me

Blood stained sheets,
What have I gotten myself into this time?
I close my eyes and I believe you.
If I should die I'll never leave you.

Something in your voice makes my heart melt
there's not a lot I wouldn't try to do
to understand just how you really felt
I wish you could see past me to the truth

I've seen the picture, it's written all over your face.
Tell me, what's the secret that you've been hiding?
And who's gonna take my place?
I should have seen it coming, I should have read the signs...

Seeing you with her is truly heart breaking.
The way you passionably look at her, Like she means everything to you.
The way you smile towards her and she smiles back.
I can feel my heart painfully and slowly being ripped down the middle, At this moment I wish I were blind so I wouldn't have to see you with her. I wish I were deaf so I wouldn't hear you say 'I love you, Babe, with all my heart' to her.

Hey there stranger, Do you remember?
You were a part of my life,
Early December...
Think I remember?

I've run out complicated theories,
so now I'm taking back my words.
I'm preparing for the breakdown,
Your t-shirt lost its smell of you,

It is always, and oh so never
It can linger on for years
Burrowing deep in memories
The smiles and so many tears

I wanted to write so I picked up a pen
Let the words loose and the thought again
I'd rather write in pencil then my words can erase
I can get rid of the ones that I think are lame

Those butterflies are beautiful things
Fluttering by on beautiful wings
Occasionally settling on the tip of a flower
Never in the same spot for more than an hour

How can life be so consistent, nothing ever seems to last
Waiting for the sunset so I can tell my calendar the day is past
Another dark black scar across its formerly flawless page
Another day is counted down, another added to my age

have you ever loved him so much, everytime you thought about him...you could hardly breathe?
have you ever tried to talk to him &the words were so hard to speak?
have you ever loved him so much, it made you sick?
have you ever realized that you're still stuck in the past?

'i can't say 'screw him' about the boy that i came the closest to loving.
i would still do anything for him, even though i know he wouldn't do the same for me.
and it hurts more than anything. But i can't stop loving him.
believe me, i've tried. once in a lifetime you find your reason for living.

Hailey Marie Biography

Hello, I'm Hailey. I know my writing might not be the greatest, but it's my way to be creative. I write down anything that comes to my mind, or that is bothering me. If you don't like my writing, that's fine. You can leave me stern comments, I like the advice. If you like them, let me know, I like to know that I've achived something, Because with me, just getting one person to think, or smile, laugh, or cry through something I've created, means the world to me.)

The Best Poem Of Hailey Marie

There's Something Missing In My Heart.

i hate how these dreams seem like reality. and when i wake up, the first thing i think about is how much i want you, and the second thing is how you can't be mine.
i've seen enough now, to know that beautiful things don't stay that way. somehow, i'm still crossing my fingers...hoping you'll turn back and realize you've made a huge mistake.
it's love, i know...and i trust that, because my feelings for you grew into a gut instinct. i wasn't aware how it was, until it was over.
i'm not gonna lie, i made a few mistakes in my life. i never said the things i wanted to say, i never did the things i was supossed to do. and i regret it too.
- he was different from all of them, everyone else. he was mine, he 'loved' me...or so he said. but as always; the girl fell much, much harder for the boy.
he has no idea what goes on in her mind, she's so good at pretending. he will never know how many tears have fallen each night for him, nor the endless hours that she wastes thinking...'maybe, just maybe.'
ever wondered what a breaking heart looks like? look in my eyes next time i see him and tell me....
do you feel my pain?

no matter what i do, i always forget to forget you

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