Hannah Elizabeth Barton

Hannah Elizabeth Barton Poems

I'm tired
Drowning in the pain
I'm tired
Help me stay afloat

The tears fall, onto my skin like rain.
I feel like nothing can keep me from this.
The shattering of my mind, alluding my thoughts.
I pray for the blankness of my mind, my pain.

As the days get shorter and the nights get longer
As the sadness in my life drowns away my hunger
I find myself wondering what is the point of it all
What's the point of living this way

As you love and live
As you breathe and give
As you sing and dance
As you skip and prance

You were a light to the world
Shining, radiating so bright
Such pureness, such love
Oh how I'm ashamed

The Best Poem Of Hannah Elizabeth Barton


I'm tired
Drowning in the pain
I'm tired
Help me stay afloat
I'm tired
I always help you
I'm tired
Someone help me
I'm tired
You didn't help me
I'm drowning
I still helped you
The ones at my grave
Were far and very few.

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