Harley White Poems

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Asleep No More

The dawning day is like an open door
for voyagers adrift in living stream
to waken from the dream asleep no more.

Cosmic Skyscape

In my meanders high above
beyond the cries of mourning dove
on voyages a spaceship flies
where poets' reveries arise,

Empyrean Mice

A hickory dickory dock ballet
appears to be choreographed on high
as round two mice dance in cosmic display
amidst the grand cabaret in the sky

Guilt Will Wilt The Sweetest Flower

Guilt will wilt the sweetest flower,
Cause the very sun to glower,
Though the skies their tears may shower.
Guilt will wilt the sweetest flower.

Nebulous Phantasmagoria

The seas roll on at Nature's whim
as winds wail like a theremin.
Yet shines through heavens' inky scrim
the starlight of a seraph in—

Empyreal Rondeau

In ghostly skies a stellar glow
from erstwhile stars of long ago
that shone with splendor ere they died,
perchance were wished on starry-eyed,

Dark Cosmic Cloud

Black seems like nothingness, maybe that's why
nebulae dark looked like ‘holes in the sky'
as Herschel exclaimed when he saw on high
a spot in Orion that caught his eye.

Birds Of A Feather

Opposites may hold attraction
But lack lasting satisfaction.
Frequently push comes to shove.
In comes hate and out goes love.

L'autre Moi

I am the metronome
mover of measures
wide........ wide............ swings my pendulum
tracing the tempos of time

Mirror, Mirror

If I were a galaxy in outer space
and wanted to find my reflection,
a mirror I'd seek so to peek at my face
while engaging in introspection.

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