Hebert Logerie Poems

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Mother's Love Is Unconditional

Regardless of the weather
Regardless of your mood
You always save me some food
You pray that I will be better

Todavía Me Levantaré, Un Poema De Maya Angelou

Puedes escribir de mí, en las páginas de la historia,
Mentiras amargas y retorcidas;
Usted me puede pisotear el barro desnudo,
Todavía me levantaré como el polvo negro.

Beautiful Spring Is Around The Corner

Beautiful spring is around the corner.
The old winter will fly away, from our border
The birds are already chirping, welcoming


All beings must face defeat one day
No one is spared of this mortal tray
Trust me; it is never easy to lose
Your destiny is the chthonian noose

Christmas: A Season Full Of Fun And Joys

Xmas is the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ,
The human God, who is living somewhere in the sky.
Christmas is a season, a time full of fun and joys,
Where young and adult children receive new toys.

It’s Beautiful To Be Powerful And Kind

I never told you that I was perfect
I merely stated that I will succeed
Even if I have to clean the dirty deck
Of your ignorance and your intolerance

Nous Portons Le Masque Par Paul Laurence Dunbar

Nous portons le masque qui sourit et qui ment,
Il cache nos joues et voile nos yeux, -
Cette dette que nous payons pour la ruse humaine;
Avec des cœurs déchirés et saignés, nous sourions;

Bon Anniversaire, Mon Amour

</>Bon Anniversaire, Mon Amour

Mon amour, aujourd’hui est ton anniversaire,
Je n’ai pas de choses extraordinaires

Everything Changes

The flowers
The hours
The seasons
The reasons

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