Henry Cuyler Bunner

Rating: 4.33
Rating: 4.33

Henry Cuyler Bunner Poems

WHAT does he plant who plants a tree?
He plants a friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free;

It was an old, old, old, old lady,
And a boy that was half-past three;
And the way that they played together
Was beautiful to see.

I have let the world go.
That’s the door that closed
Behind the holy father. I am shrived.

OH, what's the way to Arcady,
To Arcady, To Arcady;
Oh, what's the way to Arcady,
Where all the leaves are merry?

I would not have you so kindly,
Thus early in friendship’s year—
A little too gently, blindly,

'I know what you are going to say,' she said,
And she stood up, looking uncommonly tall:

Tell me what within her eyes
Makes the forgotten Spring arise,
And all the day, if kind she looks,
Flow to a tune like tinkling brooks;

No longer, 0 scholars, shall Plautus
Be taught us.
No more shall professors be partial
To Martial.

NEW YORK, July 20, 1883.
The town goes on as though
It thought you still were in it;

Oh, for You that I never knew ! —
Now that the Spring is swelling,
And over the way is a whitening may,
In the yard of my neighbor’s dwelling

Love must kiss that mortal’s eyes
Who hopes to see fair Arcady.
No gold can buy you entrance there;
But beggared Love may go all bare—

She was a beauty in the days
When Madison was President;
And quite coquettish in her ways—
On cardiac conquests much intent.

I would that all men my hard case would know,
How grievously I suffer for no sin:
I, Adolphe Culpepper Ferguson, for lo

Not a kiss in life; but one kiss, at life’s end,
I have set on the face of Death in trust for thee.

A pitcher of mignonette
In a tenement's highest casement,—
Queer sort of flower-pot—yet
That pitcher of mignonette


As to a bird’s song she were listening,
Her beautiful head is ever sidewise bent;
Her questioning eyes lift up their depths intent—

Although a curtain of the salt sea-mist
May fall between the actor and our eyes —
Although he change, for dear and softer skies,

She might have known it in the earlier Spring,-
That all my heart with vague desire was stirred;
And, ere the Summer winds had taken wing,

When he is old and past all singing,
Grant, kindly Time, that he may hear
The rhythm through joyous Nature ringing,

They sent him round the circle fair,
To bow before the prettiest there.
I’m bound to say the choice he made

Henry Cuyler Bunner Biography

Henry Cuyler Bunner (3 August 1855 – 11 May 1896) was an American novelist and poet born in Oswego, New York. He was educated in New York City. From being a clerk in an importing house, he turned to journalism, and after some work as a reporter, and on the staff of The Arcadian (1873), he became in 1877 assistant editor of the comic weekly Puck. He soon assumed the editorship, which he held until his death in Nutley, New Jersey. He developed Puck from a new struggling periodical into a powerful social and political organ. In 1886 he published a novel, The Midge, followed in 1887 by The Story of a New York House. But his best efforts in fiction were his short stories and sketches Short Sixes (1891), More Short Sixes (1894), Made in France (1893), Zadoc Pine and Other Stories (1891), Love in Old Cloathes and Other Stories (1896), and Jersey Street and Jersey Lane (1896). His verses Airs from A ready and Elsewhere (884), containing the well-known poem, The Way to Arcady; Rowen (1892); and Poems (1896), edited by his friend Brander Matthews, displaying a light play of imagination and a delicate workmanship. He also wrote clever vers de société and parodies. One of his several plays (usually written in collaboration), was The Tower of Babel (1883). His short story "Zenobia's Infidelity" was made into a feature film called Zenobia starring Harry Langdon and Oliver Hardy by the Hal Roach Studio in 1939.)

The Best Poem Of Henry Cuyler Bunner

The Heart Of The Tree

WHAT does he plant who plants a tree?
He plants a friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free;
The shaft of beauty, towering high.
He plants a home to heaven anigh
For song and mother-croon of bird
In hushed and happy twilight heard -
The treble of heaven's harmony -
These things he plants who plants a tree.

What does he plant who plants a tree?
He plants cool shade and tender rain,
And seed and bud of days to be,
And years that fade and flush again;
He plants the glory of the plain;
He plants the forest's heritage;
The harvest of a coming age;
They joy that unborn eyes shall see -
These things he plants who plants a tree.

What does he plant who plants a tree?
He plants, in sap and leaf and wood,
In love of home and loyalty
And far-cast thought of civic good -
His blessing on the neighborhood
Who in the hollow of His hand
Holds all the growth of all our land -
A nation's growth from sea to sea
Stirs in his heart who plants a tree.

Henry Cuyler Bunner Comments

Courtright 2636 rd 29 December 2019

Everette 540 ave

2 0 Reply
Kruthika 26 July 2018

The heart of the tree is a fantastic poem

3 1 Reply
Venus 02 May 2018

Really amazing.... Just love the poems and the way he has written them

4 2 Reply
Cleo Crummmer 19 November 2012

Such a awesome poet! His poems are like no other! :)

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