Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Mitochondrial Eve

I am Mitochondrial Eve,
The most recent woman from whom
All living humans did conceive
And tied as coming from my womb.

Cotton To Me - Lincoln Park Zoo

A cotton-top tamarin, I
Do swing at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
In monkey shines - don't ask me why.
I just do cute, that's all I do.

Foster Kid - Lincoln Park Zoo

A European white stork, I
Was just an egg some months ago,
And came to Lincoln Park Zoo - why?
Cuz there are two storks here who know

Hillbillill And The Dress

'Bill, will the scandal never stop? '
'National Portrait Gallery -'
'You're painted where your pants don't drop, '
'But there's a shadow all can see.'

Kingdom Of Freedom

The Kingdom of Freedom be where
Freedom gives opportunity.
King Freedom is the ruler there.
King's only rule is to live free.

A Child Of Mine

I do not tell you how to live.
I only ask that you just try,
When taking from me all I give,
To live with love until you die.

Good Old Days

Way back in great granddaddy's day,
He'd hook the oxen to the cart,
And head from the farm on his way
To town where there he could take part

Old Bachelors Beware

Tale of 'Arsenic and Old Lace, '
Abby and Martha Brewster were
Spinster sisters of charm and grace
Who were on a mission for sure.

Meliponine Bees

The meliponine bees do be
Found all throughout the Amazon.
Though stingless they bite easily
When they perceive there's threats upon.

Night Hawk

A night hawk is building a nest
Somewhere in the back of my brain,
And is causing me to lose rest.
A sign of me going insane?

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