Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Red Panda Adopt - Lincoln Park Zoo

Isn't this a face to ADOPT!
Lincoln Park Zoo does want you to.
For cuteness I just can't be topped.
With credit card, here's what you do.

The Leaning Tower

It was in the 12th century,
I, a bell tower, was begun.
Shifting sands started leaning me.
I was only one third way done.

Witches' Brew

Halloween night was going good
For young Pirate Billy, who got
Bags of treats from the neighborhood.
Dad came too, with a flask he'd brought.

Working Mom

Sometimes I find I must or can
Take my son, Mike, with me to work.
My boss okays this day care plan.
I'm grateful for this extra perk.

Old Faithful Till...

Old Faithful, the geyser of fame.
I am watching it spew on high,
Right on time as befits its name,
In Yellowstone Park. That's where I

Bloody Middle East

When the Middle East knows real peace,
Hell is frozen over for real.
Religious war will never cease.
New fights the old battles with zeal.

Selfie Degree

The highest education is
The art and science to be found
In a great selfie - fun or biz.
My whole future is selfie bound.


I met a jerboa aleap
In the North African desert.
The wee rodent was cute a heap,
Zig zagging o'er the sand and dirt,

G.I. Joe

G.I. Joe, born in '64,
Conceived by a soldier who did
Combat in the Korean War.
At last a doll for the guy kid.

Emerald Starling - Lincoln Park Zoo

An emerald starling bird I be,
Perching out at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Bird House Savannah you can see
The beaut I am, hear songs I do.

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